Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.
Click on the pictures to enlarge.
After surviving for over a week on Multiple Doses of Extra Strength Tylenol, I made it a point to try not using any over the weekend. There have been some trying moments, but due to the fact that the Doctor prescribed Muscle Relaxers for the problem, I got through by simply sitting down when things got too bad.
It was another weekend that I didn’t get to the Gym, but caught up on my missed sleep. Kathy and I again woke up together, so that was a big bonus for the both of us.
Since the package of Cinnamon Buns that Kathy bought this past week was so large, we again indulged ourselves for breakfast, before taking our Coffees over to the Computers. I’ve been leaving few comments lately, as I’m trying to get caught up reading all the posts that I’ve missed. Once that happens there will be more Comments made, more often.
My sister Anna called today to wish us both Birthday Greetings. We also had a lot to get caught up on and spent over an Hour talking. We were lucky to be able to use the Speaker option so we could both be in on the conversation.
Split Pea with Ham Soup for lunch, along with Mandarin Oranges, along with Nanaimo Bars and Yogurt Cups for dessert. |
Even though we soaked our feet yesterday, Kathy was having issues with her left foot. Back in 2009 we went camping for a week with our Grandsons. Kathy helped them make Sandcastles at the beach and ended up with a Fungal Infection in her toes. Due to her Diabetes she was eligible for at home Foot Care, but Mary from Healthy Heals has not been in a while. Since Mary showed me how to tend to Kathy’s feet, for when we went away, I was able to resolve the issue for her after lunch. Kathy said her foot felt much better.
The reason we didn’t go out yesterday to celebrate Kathy’s Birthday is because we like to celebrate our big days together. If you are wondering how that works I can explain. Since Kathy’s Birthday is April 29th, and my Birthday is May 1st, we have celebrated them together on April 30th since we have been together.
I had though of taking Kathy to Eastside Mario’s, but then realized how weighed down that would make us feel.
Checking on-line at Harbour House, I would have had to make reservations last week for today.
Discussing our choices, we ended up going to the Michigan Diner, closest to our location. We had Halibut Fish with Sweet Potato Fries for our meal and we even had a dish of Ice Cream for dessert.
Next we ran a small errand. We went to the Tim Horton’s location, nearest to Windsor Feedscrew. At work whenever someone has a Birthday, they but Coffee and Donuts for everyone else. Kathy saw how expensive that can be.
Being there also gave me the chance to show Kathy an easier way to get to the Plant in case she needed me for something right away.
We stopped at Pioneer gas station, to fill up the Car. I was surprised to see Diesel cheaper than Gasoline today.
We had an enjoyable day together.
Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.
Be Safe and Enjoy!
It’s about time.
Words of Inspiration
Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.
Warren Buffett, American business magnate, investor, and philanthropist.