It's about time.

Many of you can relate to Working long hours at your career. Raising your families. Buying a home and paying all the bills related to being homeowners and parents. We're now retired and don't need all that work and expense. Now "It's about time" and what we do to follow our dreams.

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Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Different Address and Watched The Crash Video.

Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

After spending even more time outside cleaning off the Car and Truck yesterday, I was certain I’d have a great night’s sleep. Boy was I wrong. I started by relaxing in my Recliner, only to spend the next couple of Hours staring at the ceiling. I moved to the Bed where I managed to spend the next couple of Hours, tossing and turning before heading back to my Recliner. I think I might have dozed a couple of times, until I saw Kathy checking me out from across the room. She kind of jumped a little when I told her that I loved her.

She went back to bed since it was only 7:00 in the morning, while I got up to start my day. The Balcony Blinds were open before the Sun made an appearance. The outside temperature was 3 F (-16 C) but feeling much colder. We would eventually make it to 16 F (-9 C) for our daytime high.

Checking my E-Mail this morning I found a reminder of my appointment for tomorrow. When I saw the address I needed to double check its location since it is in the town of Tecumseh. I thought that it was next door to Kathy’s Rheumatologist but checking Google Street, I found it next door to the Dairy Queen. Wonder what we’ll be having for supper?

Thinking I would have to do additional cleaning on the Truck, I was happy to see the Sun had been busy helping me with the chore. Making use of the time, I added another Two Months worth of Data to the Spreadsheet that will eventually find its way to our Blog.

We shared a Store-Bought Thin-Crust Medium Hawaiian Pizza, with extra Pineapple and Mozzarella Cheese for supper.

The Weather Guesser on the 6 o’clock Local News surprised us when he showed us a change in the weather pattern. We could see temperatures above the Freezing Mark next week. They also showed the actual Video of yesterday’s Plane Crash at Toronto’s Person Airport. Thanks Nancy.

We later watched Will Trent”, “The Rookie” and “High Potential”. I chuckle to myself, because I know that Kathy and I both enjoy Mysteries. She says that she’s not watching them, but half way through each program, she’s focused on the screen.

We’ll see what else happens tomorrow.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Words of Inspiration

You would better educate ten women into the practice of liberal principles than to organize a thousand on a platform of intolerance and bigotry.”

Susan B, Anthony, American Women's Rights Activist

Monday, February 17, 2025

Comments Cleared Up and Plane Crash.

Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

I wasn’t outside very long yesterday but it was enough to help me sleep when I went to bed last night.

We enjoyed Cereal for breakfast this morning, in part to get our bodies back on track.

Our time on the Computers this morning helped us get caught up on News that we had missed over the weekend.

In response to Comments about tilting the Solar Panels on our Trailer. I had basically just begun to add Solar on our Avalanche when we upgraded to the Eagle Supreme, but in both cases, those Solar Panels could be all be tilted manually at varying angles. Just like our downsizing to a shorter Trailer, the reason I am considering having them Electrically Tiltable is, if I can no longer climb to the roof to raise or lower them, Kathy can do it with the push of a button. We won’t be monitoring their efficiency like some people do, but from Personal Experience, they will be more efficient being tilted during the Winter. In the Summer, the Panels can charge the Battery Bank while staying flat, because the Sun will be practically directly overhead.

When I researched 12 Volt Actuators the other day, I only looked locally and was shocked at how expensive they were. When I checked Amazon this morning, they were priced much more reasonably for the same product.

The Planning is still a work in progress, but I hope to have it all figured out and installed by Summer.

By noon the Wind had started picking up, and the outside temperature was sitting at 16 F (-9 C) but feeling much colder, so we had Split Pea Soup for lunch. We finished our Coffees at the Computers where the sound of the Wind had increased.

I did a better job of bundling against the wind today, before finishing the task of cleaning the Car and Truck of the last few days accumulation. I was surprised at how many vehicles there were in the parking lot, then I remembered that this was a fairly new Holiday, called Family Day.

The Sun occasionally peeked from behind the Clouds, which made it easy to do the Car, but the Truck was a little trickier. It is taller than the Car and had not been used lately, so there was a buildup of Ice under the Sxxw. I got it as best as I could but due to my hands and face being frozen from the 38 MPH Wind Gusts, I headed inside.

When I walked in the Apartment, Kathy was watching News about a Plane Crash at Toronto’s Pearson Airport. Though there were Injuries and the Plane destroyed laying upside down, but luckily there were no Fatalities at the time. The presumed cause of the Crash was Severe Wind Gusts.

We shared a Store-Bought Thin-Crust Medium Meat-Lovers Pizza, while we continued watching the News.

Thinking we needed to watch something less repetitive we watched Elsbeth”, “Murdoch Mysteries”, “Rescue: Hi-Surf” and “Sight Unseen”. Though it had been researched before, there was lot of channel changing necessary this evening.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


I searched on E-bay for something to light my candles with.

It said, "No matches found.”

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Whitest White.

Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

My night started out like I had hoped, leaving my Recliner for Bed after only an Hour. Then for the next Three Hours, all I did was to Toss and Turn until I headed back to my chair. I may have gotten another Three Hours of sleep, but did not recharge my Oxygen Level, using my CPAP Machine. I woke sensing that I was being watched, and I was right. Kathy had just emerged from the Bedroom after sensing my absence and was surprised when I wished her a “Good Morning”.

We settled for a lite snack in place of breakfast. Looking outside was difficult when the Flurries appeared to resemble a Heavy Fog. As we sat at the Computers the sound of the Plow scraping the asphalt clean caught our attention. The Flurries would come and go throughout the day.

The experts say the healthiest meal of the day is breakfast, so we shared a Veggie Omelette for lunch.

Wanting to make certain the Car and Truck would be usable I bundled up to go clean them off. Unfortunately, the 36 MPH Wind Gusts kept changing direction, causing me to wear most of it in the face. Recalling the Sun will make an appearance for the next few days, I decided to get back to it tomorrow.

I was busy adding more data to the Spreadsheet when I realized how late the time was. We enjoyed All Beef Wieners and Baked Beans on Toast for supper. Later we topped it off with a Chocolate Frozen Yogurt Sundae for dessert.

Later we watched “Tracker” and “The Rookie” for entertainment.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You Might Be a Redneck If

Your family tree has a tire swing.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Whiter One Day Warm-Up.

Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

This pattern continues to work for me, where I straighten my neck by laying back in my Recliner, then spend the remainder of the night in bed. My CPAP Machine recorded that we were together for over Seven Hours last night.

I was just getting things set up to make breakfast in the Kitchen, when Kathy came out to join me. Fifteen Minutes later she was enjoying her Banana/Cinnamon Pancakes. Mine took a few minutes longer while I served the Hot Chocolate drinks near our Computers.

Looking out the Balcony Door, one would have thought that it was Foggy out, but it was actually very fine Flurries happening and an accumulation was actually starting to cover the Balcony itself.

I was researching how I could set the Solar Panels up to tilt, without my having to climb on the Roof to angle them myself. It would require me to redesign the Framework so I could minimize the number of Actuators needed.

Later in the afternoon the outside temperature rose to 34 F (1 C), which for the next week or more will be called a Heat Wave, before it dips back to frigid temps.

Kathy was checking all the On-Line News Outlets, while after organizing our Medication File, I added another pile of Data to the Spreadsheet that will eventually be added to the Blog. By adding it in now, I’ll simply Copy and Paste it when I put it to use, just like I have for the last Thirteen Years.

We watched some “US News while having supper since our Local News does not run on the weekends. Then we found a “Murder Mystery” to watch later in the evening.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


What do you call a dentist in the army?

A drill sergeant.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Cold, White Valentine’s Day.

Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

An Hour here, Six Hours there seem to work out sleep wise for me. I even spent an Hour reading at the Computer before Kathy came out to join me. By the time I served our breakfast, she’d already read the Valentine’s Day Card that was waiting on the table for her.

Before we headed back to the Computers, the Sunlight was deceptively filling the room. A quick look at how people were bundled up down on the Ganatchio Trail verified what “The Weather Network” was showing. The temperature was 7 F (-14 C), feeling like -8 F (-22 C).

We were just enjoying talking when the Phone rang. The last time we’d seen our Family Doctor, he wanted me to get an Ultrasound and Bone Density Test on my Neck. Unfortunately, due to the workers having been “On Strike” for over a month before Christmas, they were not booking any new appointments. Instead, they had to clear up the Backlog, before adding to the list. I have now been added to the Ultrasound list. Another thing to think about Clear Imaging, is all their locations do X-Rays, but not all of them do Ultra-Sounds or Bone Density Tests. My appointment is in Tecumseh.

Kathy didn’t want to go out in the Cold, even though I had Planned on going out for supper. Instead, we enjoyed Sauteed Potato Slices, Brussels Sprouts and Honey Garlic Spareribs. I even topped it off with a nice bowl of Frozen Chocolate Yogurt afterwards.

After the “6 o’clock Local News” was finished, we played on our Computers until the movie You’ve got Mailcame on. It’s still fun to watch after all these years.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Words of Inspiration

I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep,

I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.”

Alexander the Great, King of the ancient Greece.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

White Weather and Store Hunting.

Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

Eat, Sleep, Repeat, is a good way of describing how I sleep these days. So after starting my night in my Recliner to help ease the pressure in my Neck, I was able to finish the night in bed, hooked up to my CPAP Machine that helps to replenish the Oxygen Level in my Blood Stream.

I’ve noticed that something wakes me most nights so that I go to bed. Sometimes it’s the loud exhaust on a car going through the parking lot. Since we were having a Winter Storm yesterday, there was a variant last night. The sound was from the Plows scraping the accumulation away. Strangely it was the same sound that I woke to again this morning as the adjoining parking lots were being cleaned.

I’d barely gotten things ready to make breakfast when Kathy came out to join me. I created Strawberry Yogurt Parfaits to help us start our day.

After spending time at the Computers, I started making Cheddar/Tomato Soup for lunch. It really helps to warm and fill us, making it easy to survive until supper. It was 1:00 by the time we finished eating, so the Dishes would have to wait.

It took Ten Minutes to clean the wet wintry mix off the Car, before we were on our way. Our destination was Tecumseh and it looked like we’d just get there on time. I was actually just above the Limit trying to buy some time, by following the vehicles ahead. Taking Riverside Drive everyone knows the speed and there is a Solid Yellow Center Line. I also noticed the vehicles directly behind me in the mirror. Suddenly a BMW went blasting by the ones behind me, getting in line for oncoming traffic that leapfrogging the cars ahead. We were thinking what kind of an idiot that was when a tricked out F-150 did the same thing. When I turned down Manning Road there was only a vehicle between the Truck and our Car, but he ran a Red Light to keep going. Idiots!

We arrived at Dyna-Care with only minutes to spare. The fact that this location takes people byAppointments Only meant we were on our way within Ten Minutes.

We then went to the nearby Dollarama in hopes of finding our Breakfast Juice, that locations near our home were out of stock. With nothing else scheduled, we used the opportunity to get in our walking exercise through the entire store. They had Four Containers at a lower price than normal, so we scooped them up. Remembering where there was a second Tecumseh location we were able to get another Four Containers. What both these locations did not have was the Brisk Iced Tea we also drink.

As we were heading back to Windsor, Kathy said she was suddenly hungry. We stopped at Wendy’s to enjoy supper. It gave us a chance rest before we started walking again.

We found the Iced Tea at the Third Dollarama of the day, before we headed to the Bulk Barn for the Dark Chocolate Covered Almonds that our Doctor says is a “Healthy Treat”. ????

Next we stopped at Zehr’s grocery store, where we picked up more Vegetables that we were running low on. We even managed to get the slender Asparagus for only $3.00 a pound. I’m already thinking what I can make with that.

It was a challenge getting our loaded Two Wheeled Shopping Cart through the slush covered parking lot.

The 6 o’clock Local News confirmed more of this Winter Weather heading our way, throughout the weekend with colder temperatures as well.

After finishing the Dishes we watched Matlock”, “Law and Order” and “Watsonfor entertainment.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Reasons why English is hard to learn,

a seamstress and a sewer fell down into a sewer line.