It's about time.

Many of you can relate to Working long hours at your career. Raising your families. Buying a home and paying all the bills related to being homeowners and parents. We're now retired and don't need all that work and expense. Now "It's about time" and what we do to follow our dreams.

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Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Other Duties, Stormy Weather and A Welding Test.

 Our Location today is at Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

I’m certain many of you have started to tire about hearing me talk about “Work” but in a sense besides using this as my own reference it’s also a way of letting others know that jobs are not like they used to be. We are all told we have to accept people for who they are and I have worked with many different nationalities without any problems over the years. Unfortunately there are some who bring with them work ethics that should have stayed where they immigrated from.

As soon as the shift started I once again started my morning inspection. Since the Supervisor had been a bit more specific about yesterday’s report I was able to find a couple of concerns that I didn’t notice then. The one could be heard. It’s a large Wheel in the Paint Oven that is in desperate need of Grease. The other were the Drive Belts on an Exhaust Blower that were ready to fail.

There wasn’t a single Carrier to repair this morning so I immediately started working on the Modified Carriers that were mentioned yesterday. Since there will be so many to do I started making a Clamp On Jig so the spacing of the pieces would be exact.

That’s when the Supervisor showed up. He was going around randomly checking people’s temperatures. He liked the Jig I was making (Second Time in as many days) and the fact another Carrier was about to be put to use. When I showed today’s concerns I had to actually show him out on the floor. Of course by the time we got to the Exhaust Blower it was running so we could not see the Belts. Guess who has to grease that Wheel in the morning before the Line starts and the Oven gets hot.

When lunch came around Kathy mentioned there were Storms forecasted for later in the day.

Lite Drizzle.

I managed to finish One and Three Quarters Modified Carriers this afternoon. Since my shift presently ends at 3:30 I delay taking my last Break by Fifteen Minutes and use it to put my Tools away and get cleaned up. It works perfect and I’m out the door on time.

As I was leaving the Rain started coming down like the spray from a Power Washer. Needing to stop at Shoppers Drug Mart so had to sit in the Truck until it slowed down. I like to shop on Thursday to save Twenty Percent but it seems there are no Multi-Vitamins in the store after 9:00 in the morning on those days. At least we’ll collect more points with the higher cost.

By the time I reached the our building and parked the Truck I had to wait out another heavy Rainfall. One could not see the bottom of the tires on most vehicles in the Parking Lot. As soon as it slowed down I made a run for it but the water was over my shoes before I could get on the raised grass behind the Truck. I was more then damp when I got to the Apartment.

Sitting down with a Coffee at the Computer I noticed someone had tried calling my Cell this morning. Since the Company doesn’t want people playing with their Phones instead of working mine is always in my Lunch Bag until my break.

When I called the number it was to a Company I had applied to last Friday. After speaking with Bob I have an in-person Welding Test at 4:00 tomorrow night. Wish me luck. This place has a Climate Controlled Environment.

Checking my Computer there were Two Other Companies wanting to set up Welding Tests for me.

On the 6 o’clock Local News the Windsor/Essex Region had 11 New Coronavirus Cases bringing the Active Cases to 153 of which they said about 71 were Variants.

The Humidex outside felt like 100 F (38 C) just around 3:00 when it started to Rain.

For supper Kathy made a Beef with Rice Dish. I was so hungry I had already started eating before taking a picture.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You know you’re getting old when “friends with benefits”

means knowing someone who can drive at night.


  1. I guess the first clue was the applying 20x... at least now we all know to avoid those employers. Good luck today, I'll be sending 'good vibes' your way at 4pm EST.

  2. Well it's 1:23 CA time so it's 4;23 your time. I hope all went well with your test. Good luck!
