Our Location today is at Windsor, Ontario.
Click on the pictures to Enlarge.
Other then waking a couple times because the outside temperature of 18 F (-8 C) seemed to lower our inside temperature we slept fairly soundly last night. The best part was when I was able to watch the Sunrise coming up this morning beyond another Apartment Building before sliding behind a wall of Clouds that had filled the sky. Not as dramatic as an Arizona Sunrise but pretty close.
I managed to get some of my morning Computer reading done before Kathy joined me for breakfast.
We settled in at the Computers finishing our morning drinks. As I was getting lunch ready our daughter Karen called. She asked Kathy if she would be able to help her organize her kitchen Cupboards. It just seemed everything is always too far away from where she is preparing food and she knows that Kathy is good at that.
Since we weren’t sure what our afternoon would bring we decided on a lunch similar to last night’s supper Soup and Sandwiches. We had Campbell’s Italian Wedding Soup along with another Grilled Cheese Sandwich and a Chocolate Pudding Cup for dessert. It was satisfying without being too filling.
Since I wanted to try to work at the Trailer today we went our separate ways. Kathy headed to Karen’s house in Tecumseh with the Car. I did a quick change around moving the Pills and Vitamins from the smaller Doucettes to the larger ones. I then cleaned up the Dishes before getting the Trash and Recycle packed up then taken downstairs.
Even though it was warmer then yesterday with the Wind making it feel like 43 F (6 C) I had to dress for it. Heading out to the parking lot the way our building and the one next to us are positioned they funnel the Wind making it feel even colder.
Heading towards Lauzon Road with the Truck I had to Detour because the road was blocked off with several Power Company Trucks parked across the road.
My first stop was Home Depot to find a piece of wood that I could use to rebuild the Shelves in the front Cabinet in our Trailer. The only thing the right size was a piece of Oak for Twenty Dollars. Didn’t get it.
headed over towards Guardian Storage
but the Railway Barriers were down. After Ten Minutes
of No Train cars were turning around to get
around this. Even though I was only a Half Mile from my
destination I had to drive Ten Miles to get around. It was
during that drive that as I was passing a beautiful looking Hawk
on a Power Wire that I realized I had left the Camera
back at the Apartment.
Finally arriving at the Storage Yard the first thing I did was collect our Mail. Even though there was nothing there the other day it was full today.
Without any material there wasn’t much I could do so I headed towards Jefferson Avenue. The Railway Barriers were still down with vehicles still turning around. That was nearly an Hour since it first closed the crossing.
I stopped at Lowe’s and even though I didn’t find exactly the piece of wood that I needed it only cost $2.00 for a piece that I will make work.
Kathy let me know she was home so that’s where I headed. When I got there she explained that she needed to detour on her way to Karen’s because the Power Company Trucks had the road blocked off at Lesperance Road.
My Meat Pie with Salsa. |
For supper we had a couple of personal sized Tourtieres made by the company St. Hubert. We’ve talked about trying different ready made foods before that we can have on hand for a quick meal when needed. If they don’t taste good they never get a second chance. Even though they taste great as they are Kathy uses Ketchup on her’s while I prefer Salsa.
On the 6 o’clock Local News a few more Coronavirus Cases with warmer wet weather coming our way. Tonight like most of North America we turn our Clocks back to Eastern Standard Time. The Province of Ontario has a Bill in the House to leave Ontario on Daylight Savings Time forever. More US States are starting to do the same thing.
We watched a Hallmark Christmas Movie tonight. They’re getting earlier all the time. Not much warmer tomorrow so we’ll see what we do. Thank you for following along and feel free to leave a comment.
Be Safe and Enjoy!
It’s about time.
Words of Inspiration
The surest way to reveal one’s character is not through adversity but by giving them power.
Abraham Lincoln 16th President of the United States of America.
I can't get used to this DST business, we're from SK... no time change there. So today, I'm up at 3:15am... figures.
ReplyDeleteCalifornia voters voted to stop the time change in 2018, but the government seems to do whatever it wants.
ReplyDeleteI'm so used to the DST stuff that it doesn't bother me. It is what it is. I'm glad to see daylight earlier in the winter - especially now!! :)
ReplyDeletePS, the other 3 in this household watched the same movie. LOL
DeleteIn Texas we call your meat pie ---> pot pies and KFC has some really good ones but my doctor says I can't have them :-(
ReplyDeleteThank you for mentioning the time change along the border in Canada as I was wondering about that. In our Texas/México border the Mexican cities along the border change their time to match ours but those further inside Mexico do not until their time change takes place which is always different from ours.
Another excellent "Words of Inspiration" quote.
Sometimes you have to separate when necessary. Nice that Karen asked for help when she needed it. I'm sure Kathy was happy to oblige !
ReplyDeleteWouldn't it be nice and sensible not to have to change the time twice a year. It takes me at least a week to get used to the new time and we eat when hungry, not by the clock.
ReplyDeleteI finally figured out how to add you to Chrome. Now I will be able to comment now and then. So glad that you are getting into a proper sleep pattern again. Hope it continues. Really Christmas movies on TV alreaday!!