Our Location today is at Windsor, Ontario.
Click on the pictures to Enlarge.
Even tough I spent the better part of the night tossing and turning I still managed to be wide awake getting things ready for breakfast before 7:00 this morning. The big difference today was that after sensing my absence Kathy joined me just after 8:00.
As we ate we decided what we wanted to do since it was supposed to be a cool but pleasant day weather-wise. I had forgotten there were a couple of small Electrical Issues that had started giving us problems just before we stored the Trailer so I was Planning on troubleshooting that today. Kathy wanted to search for some Christmas Decorations that were put in our Climate Controlled Storage Unit before we went Fulltime.
After doing our morning chores and getting most of our Blog reading done it was time to consider what to have for lunch. It turned out to be simple with the Leftover Homemade Stir Fry we made yesterday for lunch and Kathy cleaned up some Leftover Frozen Peach/Strawberries for our dessert. We avoided extra fluid intake at that time.
Frosty Windows. |
The first thing we did when we arrived at Guardian Storage was to collect our Mail before heading back to our Storage Unit. I needed to get a Specially Made Extension Cord along with a Tool Box before going over to the Trailer. From recent trips to the Storage Unit I knew exactly where they were.
When we gave up our other Storage Unit everything that remained there had to be brought into this Unit and lots of that ended up on Top. What Kathy wanted was in a Bin on bottom along the outer wall. There was no way that Kathy would have been able to lift those items above her head safely. Just watching everything I had to move had Kathy in awe. Not only did we find the Decorations she wanted but we also found the One Unopened Box there since we moved in the Apartment last year.
were other things that we knew we would no longer need so Kathy made
a quick call to our son Kevin. After saying he would take the Item
I started loading the Truck. We are now seeing our pile of
belongings starting to shrink. A quick look at the time told me I
wouldn’t get to the Trailer today. (I knew that I
shouldn’t have Planned
on it.)
It was close to 2:30 when we headed down Walker Road headed for our son’s home in Amherstburg. Part way to McGregor we were stopped for Road Construction that we had no idea what they were doing. All traffic was being directed on a single lane. When we were finally given the go ahead we found they were changing the Intersection into a Roundabout. Personal feeling I believe those things cause more Traffic Accidents then they prevent and are a PITA for Semis along with Large RVs.
It was after 3:00 when we met Kevin in the garage working on his Street Rod. He was happy to except the few things we were dropping off along with our short visit. We couldn’t visit in the house because Melissa is still Working From Home since the end of March.
Taking 18 Highway through LaSalle back to Windsor proved beneficial. We were just leaving Amherstburg when the Truck went into Regen Mode and it didn’t stop until we reached the City Limits of Windsor. Now the Truck is running much better. Another thing we got to see was that all the Construction on the Expressway and near LaSalle have wrapped up for the winter.
We were starting to feel hungry so we went to Taco Bell’s Drive-Thru where we ordered a couple of Burrito Supremes for supper.
From there we stopped at Dollarama to pick up a loaf of Bread before heading home. I had to make a second trip with a Shopping Cart to bring everything up to the Apartment.
the 6 o’clock Local News it
seems the Coronavirus Cases are
once again on the rise everywhere because people are letting their
guard down. They have gotten tired of wearing their Masks
and start getting together in Groups with no Social
Distancing. Ten Days to Two Weeks later
they test Positive.
sure what we are doing tomorrow but I’m not Planning
on anything. Thank
you for following along and feel free to leave a comment.
Be Safe and Enjoy!
It’s about time.
Where do you find a cow with no legs?
Right where you left it.
I'm happy to say I'm 14 days out from the patch and not sick after being around thousands of people every day for 30 days straight. I wore my mask maybe half the time. The latest surgeon said it's more about washing your hands than wearing a mask, so keep on washing.
ReplyDeleteEven now of almost 4 years living in a house, I still am getting rig of stuff. This week we cleaned clothes closets. I can now say we have less clothes than when we fulltimed. Also gone this week are duplicate flat wear from the RV. And a Igloo cooler. Trying to sell four large table clothes I had kept from old house in NJ. Listed on the local FB marketplace. If they don't sell soon we will donate. I want to have less and less.
ReplyDeleteI wish we had a donating center where we live. We need to get rid of so many things but it is not worth our while to take them to San Antonio (3 hours away) or Houston (6 hours from us).
ReplyDeleteOur little town is also having more Covid-19 cases. I would never dream of being around other people without my mask. Yesterday I went to the hospital and I wore two face masks and my face shield...I am NOT taking any chances.