Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.
Click on the pictures to enlarge.
It was kind of funny that today would be nearly a Mirror Image of yesterday, except for a few Hick-Ups.
Sorough had to move a number of Feedscrews around before actually getting the Twin to yesterday’s Unit loaded in the PTA. Then he was faced with a similar delima that I faced over year ago, the Torch would not relight. When I told him to shut the entire system down, before restarting it, he thought that I was kidding, but it worked.
I had to build the edges on another Screw, but when I paused to reposition myself, Mile said “More”. Even though I showed him the weld was hooked over the Top and Side of the Flight, he said “More”. Adding metal with a TIG Welder is one drop of metal at a time. After doing exactly what he wanted, he returned to later say “Too Much”. He just did not understand, that the two had no happy medium.
I expressed my frustration to Kathy during lunch.
I prepared to complete the touch-up, Kalene came by. He often sheds
light on difficult times in the Plant. After explaining what I still
had to do, I grabbed the Feedscrew
to rotate it. Little did I know that Kalene who
standing behind me, had also went to turn it in the opposite
direction. Hearing a Shrill
from behind had me turning around. I quickly reversed the Unit’s
rotation, thus freeing his hand. The Flights
had pulled his Fingers,
between the Screw
the Rollers
it was sitting on. There was no Blood,
or Open
just a handful of sore Fingers
that had been exposed to Five
Hundred Pounds
of pressure. Cold
gave a bit
relief. Kalene also said he’ll be keeping his hands off the Screws
that I am working on, from
now on.
He’ll feel the Throbbing,
when he tries to sleep tonight.
Since Sorough had a late start on today’s Rebuild, I was giving him a hand putting it in the Sandbox. He then mentions to me all his friends have recently tested Positive for Coronavirus. If you recall it was Sorough coming to work Sick last week that caused me to get “WHATEVER THIS IS”.
I got home Kathy was sitting at her Computer,
and sneezing, just like I have for the last Week.
I immediately tested myself for Covid.
The Ten-Minute
wait for the results took forever but came back Negative.
I used the Leftover
Stir Fry
to make a Veggie
for our
Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.
Be Safe and Enjoy!
It’s about time.
Words of Inspiration
You have to go through the darkness before you get to the light.
Haruki Murakami, Japanese novelist and short-story writer.
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