It's about time.

Many of you can relate to Working long hours at your career. Raising your families. Buying a home and paying all the bills related to being homeowners and parents. We're now retired and don't need all that work and expense. Now "It's about time" and what we do to follow our dreams.

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Friday, January 31, 2025


Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

I tried something different last night. Instead of going to bed then having to get up to go sit in my Recliner, I did it first. Since Kathy was already sleeping by the time I published the Blog, I simply lay back, until I woke Two Hours later. At that point I was able to go to bed and not move until 8:30 this morning.

I had barely made it to the kitchen when Kathy came out to join me, Even though we had the window Blinds completely open we needed to have the lights on, as the forecast had shown, the Heavy Rain had started in the middle of the night. The proof was by looking down to the neighbouring building’s parking lot, where it appeared another Great Lake was being made.

After the Pastry and Yogurt Cup breakfast we took our Coffees to the Computers. There were plenty of Blogs to read so a Second Cup was needed for the rest of the reading.

Grilled Cheese and Olive Sandwiches served as lunch, along with a couple of Cookies for dessert.

After adding more Data to my Spreadsheet like yesterday, we decided to see if anything had developed on the Plane/Helicopter Recovery. It was strange when they suddenly had Breaking News of a Lear Jet Crash 40 Seconds after takeoff in Philadelphia.

As I started getting things ready for supper, it was hard to see the neighbourhood behind the building because of the heavy Sxxw Flurries. We had Bacon/Veggie Wraps that were ready just on time for our 6 o’clock Local News. The Weather Guesser’s forecast showed that we’ll barely see the Sun for the next week, as the Rain and Flurries will alternate from one day to the next.

We later watched the movie “Richard Jewell”. It is based on the true story of the 1996 Olympic Bombing. It’s bad when you think back and you can remember the event and how it nearly ruined his life. Sadly, he died shortly after his name was cleared.

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Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You Might Be a Redneck If

Talking dirty with your wife costs you $2.99 a minute.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Being Informed.

Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

It was another rough night, so it was no surprise that the Sun was peeking around the edges of the Blinds when I got up this morning. I had most things ready for breakfast when Kathy came out to join me. She remembered patting down my empty side of the bed overnight, while I found relief in my Recliner.

We were both a bit more at ease, not having to worry about what we’ll be eating for the next week. We spend most of the day on our Computers. Reading Blogs, E-Mail, Correspondences and News took up the entire morning. The afternoon was spent adding new data to a Spreadsheet that I use for each and every Blog that we publish.

The 6 o’clock Local News confirmed their earlier forecasts of a roller coaster of changing weather conditions. It could vary between Spring and Winter and back all within a day. We’ll see how that works out starting tomorrow. Our high temperature today, reached 43 F (6 C), which helped get rid of more Plow Piles. They also spoke of the tragic Crash between the Military Helicopter and the Passenger Plane near the US Capital.

For entertainment we later watched Law and Order” and “The Pitt”.

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Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


What did one toilet paper roll say to the other toilet paper roll?

People keep ripping me off!”

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Banking and Working Together.

Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

We took our time enjoying our breakfast before going to the Computers this morning. Since I had sent that response to the Tool Manufacturer, I wanted to see if they had returned the correspondence. Not finding that I double checked the Tracking Information on clothes that Kathy had ordered, only to read it would be delivered by February 4th, so I moved on to reading Blogs. It was barely 10:00 when Guardian Storage called to say our Package had been delivered. That’s an entire week early.

We had the last of the Perogies for an early lunch, before heading out the door. Since the outside temperature was sitting at a Sunny 41 F (5 C) that early, we didn’t layer up our clothing. The moment we rounded the corner of the building to the parking lot, we regretted doing that.

The Sun was helping to melt down piles that had been made by the Plows. When we arrived at Guardian Storage their lot was completely clean. Besides collecting the Package, our Mail gave us another reason to go back to the Credit Union. It’s that time of month so we took care of our monthly obligations.

Just like yesterday, that meant we also had to return to the Bank to spread our eggs around.

Our early lunch led to a normal supper, where we simply we went to Wendy’s to have Chicken Wraps for our entrees. Since it was Rush Hour, we didn’t rush, nor did we dawdle.

Our next stop was Dollarama to get Juice as breakfast refreshment. Would you believe all those shelves were empty.

We went to Zehr’s grocery store where we spent over an Hour filling our shopping cart and emptying our wallets.

Like I said before, this was Rush Hour so the only way to make it home before tomorrow was to cut through the Walmart parking lot to get around the Traffic Jam on the main thoroughfare.

We stopped at the Dollarama closest to our building, hoping to get the Juice the other location didn’t have. Their shelves we completely full.

Back at our building we realized the Wind had increased and the Temperature was colder. Our Folding Two-Wheeled Shopping-Cart got quite a workout hauling our purchase upstairs. It took a Half Hour getting things put away.

We barely sat down when the 6 o’clock Local News started. The big story was that the province of Ontario is in Election mode. It will happen at the end of February. The Windsor Police released the name and picture of the Suspects wanted in both Shootings that happened on Monday. The Weather Guesser showed how the weather is again on a roller coaster ride for the next week.

We watched a special “Chicago Fire”, “Chicago Med” and “Chicago P.D.”. They had all three crews working together to save the day, rolled into a single show.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Words of Inspiration

There is nothing more terrifying than stupidity in action.”

Chuck Taylor

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Tests and Challenges.

Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

I managed to sleep a Few Hours in bed before having to move to my Recliner. Things just fell in place, because I fell asleep within minutes, only waking Neck Pain-Free Two Hours later in the middle of the night. Sitting there my body’s Oxygen Level is not being replenished, so after getting back on my feet, I headed back to bed. Waking by 8:00 I actually felt refreshed.

Leaving Kathy sleep a little later, I had the chance check The Weather Network. Though the North Wind was low, the forecast for the day was promising. Another reason to leave Kathy sleep later, was because she had Blood Tests this morning and we were going to simply have a Juice and Yogurt Cup for a snack.

Since I had scheduled her a Half Hour later than normal, we arrived at Dyna-Care a Half Hour early. Our Family Doctor had given us a form for additional tests today, but somehow it was lost, so it will just have to wait until next time.

We both indulged ourselves with a $4.00 Brunch Special at A&W since we still had more errands to run.

Our first stop was back at the Credit Union that we were at just yesterday. We’ve both had our Member Cards replaced recently and have had problems being able to monitor our accounts On-Line. Though the newer Teller reset our Passwords yesterday, their Computer System did not believe it. Dealing with a longtime Teller this afternoon, she was successful in resetting our Passwords.

Another stop was made at the Bank. For the last few years, we have avoided using all but a Low Limit Credit Card that we use for On-Line purchases. The problem was that because my Bank Card and Credit Card look nearly identical, and I accidentally used the wrong Card while doing my Christmas Shopping. In the Mail yesterday was the statement saying it was due today. Not wanting a late charge or a ding on my Credit Rating, I paid the Thirty Dollar Charge.

As soon as we got back to the Apartment was to finish sending the E-Mail to my Power Tool Charger that malfunctioned. If I have a negative response, I’ll let you know their name.

Next job was getting myself into my Credit Union Account. It still was a challenge, but I finally got in. By reviewing things, we see things we need to change.

For supper we shared Chicken Nuggets and Perogies. That helped to make even more space in the Freezer.

Later we watched “Will Trent”, then “High Potential” solving a decade old crime and “The Rookie”.

Not sure what we’ll be doing tomorrow.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Why were they called the Dark Ages?

Because there were so many knights.

Monday, January 27, 2025

That Didn’t Work Twice.

Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

After going to bed, I promised myself I would try to stay there the entire night. When I woke the first time I rolled to the opposite side and fell back to sleep. The next time I rolled back to my initial side and had difficulty falling back to sleep. The next time I rolled over, the time ticked away until I finally had no choice but to leave the warmth of the bed.

I walked into the Livingroom totally awake, mostly due to the Pain in my Neck. Sitting in my Recliner as I started getting comfortable, the Pillow I use decided to fall between wall and the chair. I actually had to twist around the back of the chair to retrieve it. Thinking I would never fall back to sleep I simply got comfortable and Blinked. I woke to the Sun peeking around the sides of the Balcony Blind. Looking at the clock showed Three Hours had mysteriously been added to the timepiece.

I barely had time to start getting things ready for breakfast when Kathy joined me. It was only minutes later that I had the Frying Pan warming up. We enjoyed our French Toast at the table but brought our Coffees to the Computers.

We talked about running errands today, so after writing down an extensive Shopping List we headed out. Though the Sun was melting a lot of the greyish groundcover the 30 MPH Wind Gusts made us feel like running back inside the building.

With it being almost 1:00 we stopped at Popeye’s to sample their $4.00 Menu Items. We each had a Chicken Wrap and we shared an order Blackened Cauliflower. It all tasted great except that Cauliflower is like Cheese, it really holds the heat from the cooking process.

From there we headed over to Guardian Storage to collect our Mail. It had been over a week since the last time, so we were pleasantly surprised with some of the contents, that meant we had to go to the Credit Union. It was packed so that took longer than we expected. We also found out, that last month our Government had deposited our Cheques early due to the Christmas Holidays, but now we were too early to do the rest of our banking and shopping.

Back home, it felt like the Wind had picked up in speed, so we didn’t hesitate to get inside. I had more work to do On-Line before getting things ready for supper.

The 6 o’clock Local News was started when we sat down to enjoy Sauteed Potato Slices with a Southwest Corn Blend along with Honey Baked Spareribs. Surprisingly there were a couple of Fatal Shootings in the city of Windsor throughout the day.

We still had a few snacks to munch on at the Computers but tomorrow, Kathy has an appointment before we finish our errands, that we could not do today.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You Might Be a Redneck If

You put beer on your cereal.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Hibernating and Pictures.

Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

According to the timer on my CPAP Machine I spent over Five Hours in bed last night, of course. That didn’t count the Few Hours that were spent in my Recliner in the middle of all that. This is starting to sound like a bad habit, but it seems that is the only way I can go back to bed and actually sleep.

It was minutes after 8:00 this morning when I started getting things ready for breakfast and it was only minutes later that Kathy joined me. She could not understand how it was that she herself suddenly started sleeping better. Since we are all mammals, the colder temperatures cause us to hibernate, but since the outside temperature remained at 23 F (-5 C) all night it was like an awakening.

After getting all my Blog reading in I had to use our bed as a Photo Backdrop. It wasn’t X-rated but a necessary chore. I mentioned recently that I finally got hold of the Warranty Department for a faulty Battery Charger that killed Three of my 20 Volt Lithium Batteries. The company simple wanted pictures of the Products along with the Serial Numbers. That was the easy part.

Since I forgot to take the Bread out of the Freezer, we had Bacon with Scrambled Egg Wraps for lunch.

Just over a year ago, during an Operating Program Update on my Computer, it wiped out my $$$ Photo Editing Program.???? That has been the main reason that the Blog became Pictureless. I tried uploading a few Freebies, that didn’t do simple editing. This afternoon something actually worked, not as good as my old program, but it will help me get started again.

Though the forecast had been for a temperature below the Freezing Mark, for the second day in a row we hit 34 F (1 C) with Sunny Skies. The pavement is starting to show through the crusty covering, but that can all change in the next few days.

Like many, after the empty shelves at the Grocery Stores during Covid, we managed to overstock on some of our Canned Goods. After using a marker and writing the Best Before Dates on the labels, I was ready to make supper. We had Chicken Nuggets along with Green Beans. Though I have again been using what we have on hand, it’s time we do some grocery shopping tomorrow.

We watched the Comedy Romance movie, The Proposal” with Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds this evening.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Which is the longest word in the dictionary?

Smiles, because there’s a mile between each S.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Heat Wave, We Hit The Freezing Mark.

Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

I was more than ready to sleep last night and barely recall going to bed. What I don’t understand, was why I was wide awake less than an Hour later. Instead of tossing and turning I simply headed to my Recliner. Repeating the trick I did early Friday Morning worked great and I was sleeping within minutes. (Notice a pattern here?) In less than Two Hours, I was again wide awake and headed back to bed, where that time I stayed sleeping until nearly 8:00 this morning. I’ve already gotten my House Coat and Throw Blanket ready for tonight, before I started writing the Blog.

Kathy slept for another Hour before joining me, saying that she had been cold most of the night. The first time I got up her arms were over the Blankets. When I returned to bed, she was cuddling the Blankets, while she lay uncovered. Eventually, she covered herself up.

After having Cereal for breakfast, we took our Coffees to the Computers.

I chuckled when I read today’s Comments. I think they show what our age group is, because we probably saw all the Clint Eastwood movies years ago.

Lunch was quick and easy when we shared our last Store-Bought Thin-Crust Medium Spinach Pizza with added Olives and Mozzarella Cheese.

There had been only light breezes this morning though it was Cloudy. This afternoon the Wind started gusting hard enough to rattle our Balcony Railing. The amazing thing was with the Sun continually peeking through the Clouds, our temperature actually rose to the Freezing Mark.

Keeping supper even lighter and simple, we shared some Perogies.

It wasn’t until much later that we watched a “Murder Mystery” for some entertainment.

Hopefully we’ll both sleep well tonight.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Words of Inspiration

He who allows oppression shares the crime.”

Erasmus, Dutch Philosopher

Friday, January 24, 2025

Warming Things Up and Cry Macho.

Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

Before Kathy went to bed last night, I set my Housecoat and the Throw Blanket on my Recliner. The reason for doing that was, so they would not be Ice Cold if I needed to use them. It is so cold along the outer wall in the bedroom that we sat a Bottle of Juice on the floor. When I brought it to the kitchen the next morning, it tasted like it had been in the Fridge the entire night.

After only Two Hours in bed last night, I had to give my Neck a rest and I didn’t have to put on Cold Covers. The warmer Housecoat and Throw Blanket meant that I only sat in my Recliner for under Two Hours, before going back to bed.

I started my day before 7:30 and was only on my Computer an Hour when Kathy joined me. We settled for Peanut-Butter on Toast for breakfast and brought our Coffees to the Computers.

For lunch we had Italian Wedding Soup along with a couple of Crackers with Cheese. Dessert was a Yogurt Cup and another Coffee that we again brought to the Computers. Kathy still needed to wear her Jacket inside just to keep warm.

For supper we had Salmon Fillets, with Sauteed Potato Slices and we shared an Acorn Squash as a side. Instead of a cold drink we had hot Tea to help us warm up.

Our 6 o’clock Local News was preempted by a Golf Tournament so we watched the Local Detroit News.

After the Dishes were cleaned up, we watched another Clint Eastwood movie called Cry Macho”. It showed a way of crossing the US/Mexican Border that would not be possible today.

We are expecting the Landscape to be fairly White in the morning, but we might have to go out.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You’ve Been Drinking Too Much Coffee When,

You want to be cremated just so you can spend the rest of eternity in a coffee can.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

More Explanations.

Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

The building we live in was erected back in 1960 and was the first High Rise Apartment Building along Riverside Drive by a Real Estate Developer, who later added many more buildings to the Windsor skyline. After his passing his assets were distributed to his children and when we were looking for a place to stay, his son Joel and his wife Ana were still managing the building.

When things needed repairs or replacing Joel did the work himself. When he updated a number of the units, our’s included, he replaced the Baseboard Heaters with Floor Heating. They kept us toasty in the winters but when they sold the building, things changed. The New Management Company did all kinds of unnecessary updates throughout the building so they could raise the Rents. Whenever an older tenant left, the unit was gutted, and the Floor Heating was replaced with Baseboard Heaters.

The New Company also added controllers on our heating. The first year we were sweating our backsides off in October and freezing by December. The person controlling our Heat lives in Toronto. According to the Rent Review Board, there is nothing we can do, but according to the Board of Health there is a big problem. Unfortunately, the BOH And the Management Company are still going back and forth on the issue.

We could simply solve the problem by moving, but in recent years Rents have skyrocketed, and we would have to pay the Utilities that we are presently grandfathered in as part of our Rent. We’ll try different things but for now, we’ll simply layer up inside our home. Almost sounds like RVing in the Winter.

I finally got hold of the Dewalt Company today. After the Computerized Answering System finally let me speak to a Live Agent, things only got worse. They sent me an E-Mail report of what she thought I said, which was far from it. Since they record all conversations now, when I send the required information to them, I’ll recommend they listen to their recording for more accurate information.

Looking at The Weather Network they showed yesterday’s High Temperature as happening right before midnight. Today warmed to near seasonal, all while the landscape was turning White. Now we start the roller coaster ride until Spring.

We later watched “Matlock” and “Law and Order” for entertainment.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You Might Be a Redneck If

You can pick objects up off the floor with your toes.