Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.
Click on the pictures to enlarge.
Setting up my old CPAP next to my Recliner sounded like a good idea, but I just could not sleep in my chair or in Bed. It was past 6:00 in the morning when I simply took the Mask and leaned back. Would you believe that I actually slept until 8:30.
Last night's forecast had mentioned a continuation of the Rain topped off with Flurries. At 1:30 I noticed that things were starting to look a little White outside. When I finally got up this morning, looking down to the parking lot, there were just puddles melting down to the drains.
I started getting things ready for breakfast, then checking out The Weather Network. Because of the bright Sunshine, it would make it above the Freezing Mark, but we wouldn’t be outside to enjoy it.
After having breakfast Kathy stripped the Bed while I sorted and treated the rest of our Laundry. It was past 10:00 by the time we made it down to the Second Floor Laundry Room. We lucked out finding the front bank of Four Washers available while the ones on the back were in use. We stopped downstairs to clean mostly Junk Mail out of our building mailbox.
We headed back to our Apartment so we could get some Blog reading in, before heading back downstairs. I mentioned before how, after the New Management Company took over our building, they wired a box in each apartment that they controlled our heat with. Most of the Winter we needed to wear sweaters to be comfortable, but today it was so hot inside we had to open our Balcony Door to cool down.
Back in the Laundry Room we were able to easily move the Four Loads of laundry into Two Dryers and start our last Three Loads to wash, before turning on the Dryers.
In the Apartment we shared a Store-Bought Thin-Crust Medium Hawaiian Pizza with extra Pineapple and Mozzarella Cheese for lunch. By the time we finished eating, it was time to go back downstairs.
emptied one Dryer
then added the clothes
from Two
while Kathy started folding. I did the same with the second Dryer
before adding our Bed
Since both Dryers
were still on the original cycle, I only needed to add Three
to each for the second loads. We had everything folded
and in the Apartment
by 2:00.
We sat for a bit to rest our backs before putting everything
away, then remaking the Bed.
For supper we enjoyed Sauteed
and Perogies
before the 6
o’clock Local News
came on. We had Seedless
for dessert.
We later watched “Matlock”, “The Rookie” and “The Pitt” for entertainment.
We’ll be out and about tomorrow.
Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.
Be Safe and Enjoy!
It’s about time.
Words of Inspiration
I've never known any trouble that an hour's reading didn't assuage.
Arthur Schopenhauer, German Philosopher
I gave up on sleep. If I wake up, I get up. Sooner or later I crash on the couch and catch up on zzzz's.
ReplyDeleteThose laundry chores can take up quite a chunk of your day but you got the dryer outsmarted for a little bit of extra time.