It's about time.

Many of you can relate to Working long hours at your career. Raising your families. Buying a home and paying all the bills related to being homeowners and parents. We're now retired and don't need all that work and expense. Now "It's about time" and what we do to follow our dreams.

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Sunday, March 16, 2025

Skid Road.

Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

I managed to sleep over Seven Hours between my Recliner and Bed. I even managed to get things partially ready for breakfast, but Kathy slept later than I had figured. Of course, the fact that the Sun was buried behind a wall of Clouds and Rain didn’t help to wake her, until she finally came to on her own.

When I mentioned we were having Brunch she declined, preferring a breakfast snack instead. We looked at the Weather and noted the temperature would be dropping throughout the day. I mentioned that it being Sunday, there would be far less traffic on the road, and we should take advantage of that.

We shared a Store-Bought Thin-Crust Medium Hawaiian Pizza for a quick and easy lunch. Today we took the Truck because I needed to do things that the Car was not fit to do.

We arrived at Guardian Storage to find the main gate to the storage yard mostly open. Someone was impatient and bent the control arm. The first place we went was the temporary Storage/Workshop Unit that was being set up so we could separate my Tools and parts for the Trailer.

After getting the Tonneau Cover rolled out of the way and moving the Generator, with Kathy handing me my Parts Organizers, I was able to put them back in the Cabinet that I built into the bed of the Truck. We also added the container with our Wind Turbine and other Electrical Components that will be used between the Truck and Trailer this year.

After closing up that Unit we headed to our Climate Controlled Unit. We left all the Electrical Components there but removed all the Wooden Skids we had emptied the other day. Once the Skids were secured, we headed out.

Just before going Fulltime, we had researched the best way to store Furniture was in a Climate Controlled Storage Unit with Skids under, to allow air to flow between the Furniture and the Cold Concrete Floor. It worked.

With all the Manufacturing taking place in our area, many simply pile Skids they no longer want by the roadside. We were able to be very selective then, but now we are needing them less and hopefully soon none at all. Today we returned one Skid each, to a few of the locations we had collected them from before, by adding them to the piles of Roadside Skids.

When we got back to our Building, it only took a few minutes to have the Tonneau Cover fastened down again.

We enjoyed Sauteed Potato Slices, with Acorn Squash and Honey Garlic Spare Ribs for supper. Kathy served some Nanaimo Bars for dessert.

Since our 6 o’clock Local News is not available on the weekends we watched a few episodes of “Criminal Minds” as well as the final episode in the series of “Jason Bourne”.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You Might Be a Redneck If

Your favorite meal is only available at county fairs.

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