It's about time.

Many of you can relate to Working long hours at your career. Raising your families. Buying a home and paying all the bills related to being homeowners and parents. We're now retired and don't need all that work and expense. Now "It's about time" and what we do to follow our dreams.

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Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Quick Fix and Time.

Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

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I mentioned the other day how it seemed the Hose on my old CPAP Machine temporarily set up next to my Recliner, developed a leak next to the connection. Since the Apartment does not have the supplies carried in the Truck, which have been temporarily moved to our Storage Unit, I looked around to see what was at hand. I wound several layers of Scotch Tape around the suspected problem and last night I actually spent more time sleeping in my Recliner than in Bed. Luckily, I was in Bed when the Alarm went off this morning.

After a quick breakfast it wasn’t too long before we were heading out the door. Since we are experiencing early Springlike weather the drive was simple and uneventful. What was surprising was that even though we were early our appointment, our Family Doctor was running behind. With this week being Winter Break in Ontario, lots of parents were bringing their kids in for booster shots for the Measles outbreak that is presently going around. He was only a Half Hour late, which is far better then when I was bringing my own kids to see him Thirty Plus Years ago.

Again, George was happy with both our Blood Pressures and with the results of Kathy’s Blood Test. He wasn’t as happy with the results of my tests and is going to refer me to another Specialist for my Neck Issues. He also gave me more prescriptions that I only take Once A Week, to help strengthen my Bones. He also gave me a Prescription for a different type of Pillow. We’ll be back to see him in May.

Our first stop was at Health First Pharmacy to fill the Medicinal Prescription. The Fifteen Minute wait, turned into a Half Hour, because parents were bringing their kids in for Measles Booster Shots. In Ontario it is legal for Pharmacists to write certain Prescriptions and administer certain types of Injections, but that all takes time, that takes them away from other duties.

Since it was past noon, we stopped at a small Mom and Pop Family Restaurant for lunch. It felt good supporting the small independent business. It also showed how much Taxes we were not paying, when the Government declared a Tax Break on food at the grocery stores and eating establishments for Two Months this Winter.

We finally made it to Wellwise by Shoppers Drug Mart. There were a number of different styles of Pillows, so I had to make a choice. I did not choose Memory Foam but a more rigid one that would not crumble from my upper body weight. Unfortunately, when they called my Health Care Insurance (GSC) the recording said there was a Two Hour Wait. Instead of waiting, or having to return to pick it up, I paid for it out of pocket and will personally submit the Receipt for reimbursement.

Since I’ve Re-Re-Re-Retired and had Hip Surgery, I haven’t been burning off the calories like I should, so I had to go to Walmart to find some better fitting Pants. I purchased Two identical pair then we went to find a few Food Stocks to bring home.

As we were headed for the Checkouts, Kathy needed to use the washroom, so I said I would pay for things then wait for her. While she was gone, I paid for our purchases, then stood there waiting for her. What I didn’t know was after she had finished, her Knee started giving out, so she headed to the Car to get her Knee Brace and put it on. I’ve mentioned how it is more Painful to stand still, then to be walking. I was watching in the direction of the Washroom waiting for her to exit for Fifteen Minutes before she came up behind me, wondering what I was doing. I thought that I was about to lose lunch.

Walking from parking the Car to the Apartment settled my stomach down, but after I sat down, my eyes closed for a Half Hour. When I woke up, I finally tried those Identical Pants on to find only One would fit. Quality Control was lacking.

We shared a Store-Bought Thin-Crust Medium Supreme Pizza for supper while watching the 6 o’clock Local News. They confirmed yesterday broke a record high temperature set years ago.

After cleaning up the Dishes we watchedWill Trent”, “The Rookie” and “High Potentialfor entertainment.

With cooler temperatures tomorrow, we’ll be busy.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Why is a baseball team similar to a muffin?

They both depend on the batter.

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