It's about time.

Many of you can relate to Working long hours at your career. Raising your families. Buying a home and paying all the bills related to being homeowners and parents. We're now retired and don't need all that work and expense. Now "It's about time" and what we do to follow our dreams.

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Friday, September 27, 2024

No Mail, No Packages, No Luck, No Problem and No Exit.

Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

By simply putting a small pillow between my legs, not under my back, I managed to sleep most of the night and woke mostly Pain-Free.

After having Cereal for breakfast and checking The Weather Network on-line, we were soon out the door. Construction Detours continue to change from one location to another. We still managed to be at Advanced Rehabilitation Center before my appointed time. Kelly called me in immediately to start my therapy. Britney the Therapist made some suggestions to help me to not sleep on my repaired Hip. Since I know the exercise routine, we were leaving in only Forty Minutes.

We drove over to Vital-Aire to get supplies. They had called us only Five Days after my surgery, to come pick up some supplies. That was post-phoned but it worked out for the best. Last night as I was setting up our CPAP Machines for the night Kathy’s would not turn on. Having gone through this same problem before, I replaced the Transformer with the Spare. Tiara had no problem replacing it, but suggested having the building check their Grounding System. She also got most of the Supplies that we need for our Machines.

Since it was past noon we headed up the road to Harvey’s where we used a Coupon to save money on our lunch. It gave us a chance to relax and to get ready for our next stop.

Directly across the road was the West Windsor Walmart. We have recently been getting some clothes at the East-end Store, but they no longer have our sizes. Today we lucked out, finding exactly what we needed.

From there we headed to Guardian Storage where we want to check a few things. There was No Mail and No Packages. We stopped at my Storage/Workshop where I looked for anything that could freeze during the Winter with No Luck. We also checked our other Storage Room with No Luck on those items, but thought a way of reducing our overhead costs. We then checked on our Trailer to see the Plastic Tarps need to be replaced but other than that, there was No Problem. As we went to leave through the far exit, we found the Contractors were digging it up, so No Exit.

We stopped at Pioneer gas station to top off the Car at lower gas prices.

Our next stop was Dollarama to restock our Iced Tea supply.

Lastly we stopped at Zehr’s grocery store to pick up a few things we have already used since our last stop here.

We finally made it to the Apartment by 3:00. Then the fun began putting things away.

We finally sat down to see the destruction caused by Hurricane Helene. The hardest hit areas of Florida no longer resemble what we remember when we visited years ago and we have pictures to remind us. We can only pray for those who did not make it, and pray for those that will have to rebuild their lives.

We finished our evening watching a Murder Mystery.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You’ve Been Drinking Too Much Coffee When,

You think CPR stands for “Coffee Provides Resuscitation.

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