It's about time.

Many of you can relate to Working long hours at your career. Raising your families. Buying a home and paying all the bills related to being homeowners and parents. We're now retired and don't need all that work and expense. Now "It's about time" and what we do to follow our dreams.

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Monday, September 30, 2024

Good Appointment and I Blinked.

Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

Things really changed today in a lot of different ways. First we both slept better and secondly there was no time to sit around this morning. After having Juice to wash down our morning Medication and a couple of Cookies to fill the void, we were soon heading out the door.

There were plenty of Construction Detours along the way, but we still managed to get to our Family Doctor’s Office with time to spare. We barely sat down when Lisa called us in and only Five Minutes passed before George walked in the room. He was impressed with both our Vitals and especially the progress I’m making at walking again. He’ll be making an appointment for Kathy to see a Dermatologist, but will see us again in Six Weeks.

We swung by the Credit Union only to find it was closed due to the newly recognized “Day of Reconciliation” by the Federal Government of Canada.

Since we haven’t been out much lately we headed to Wendy’s for lunch. Using Coupons always helps keep our costs down. Paulette called me stubborn when I picked up our tray and carried it along with my Cane over to our table. It wasn’t until we were about to leave that she realized my improved mobility. We had a chance to people watch along with eating our meal.

No longer hungry, I suggested to Kathy that we walk the Tecumseh Mall for some exercise. We circled most of it before stopping at Marshall’s for her to look for some new Tops. An Hour later, after trying One possibility on, we left empty handed. We drove over to Giant Tiger where Kathy was unsuccessful in finding a Top, but found a new Denim Jacket that fit perfectly. By then I was ready to head for home.

After sitting in my Recliner, I must have blinked and all the Clocks seemed to have changed by an Hour.

Tomorrow could be another run around day, so we’re hoping to get another restful night under our belts.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Words of Inspiration

If you don’t know where you are going, you will end up someplace else.”

Yogi Berra, Major League Baseball Player

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