It's about time.

Many of you can relate to Working long hours at your career. Raising your families. Buying a home and paying all the bills related to being homeowners and parents. We're now retired and don't need all that work and expense. Now "It's about time" and what we do to follow our dreams.

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Thursday, September 19, 2024

ARC and Extra Walking.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

As I mentioned for the last few days, I’ve once again started having problems sleeping in bed at night. After striking out on Sleep-Aides, I tried using the weaker Pain Medications. Last night I kept waking in Pain, because I was laying on my Hip. I tried wedging a pillow in my back to stop it from happening, only to wake in Pain while finding the pillow on the floor. To say it was a restless night, would be an understatement.

We were having breakfast by 8:30 which gave us little time to check the important things we monitor on the Computers. By 10:15 we were heading out the door for my appointment. With the continuing Road Construction and Detours, we barely walked into Advanced Rehabilitation Center by 10:50. I was called in immediately.

When I raised concern about laying on my Hip to the Physiotherapist I learned something new. Our bodies (Subconsciously) recall things we do, including the way we sleep. As our bodies heal from procedures, it instinctively starts recalling those Habits. In other words, my body is ready to start sleeping the way I have for most of my life.

I was given additional exercises to strengthen my Hip/Leg. It was past 11:45 when we left.

Using a Coupon we enjoyed a leisure lunch at Wendy’s. We even did a little People Watching.

Looking out the window at the Shoppers Drug Mart at the Tecumseh Mall, I recalled this was Thursday, or in other terms Seniors Discount Days. We headed over there and both got a number of things that saved us over Thirty Dollars.

After I invited Kathy to keep walking we headed through the Mall. We stopped at Freedom Mobile to get some information on Phone Plans. We’ve been with Bell since we were growing up and the only thing we’re seeing is Higher Prices and Lower Services. For the Canada/US plan we could use our phones with no Roaming Fees, use our phones as Hot-Spots for our Computers and pay less for both than it cost for one through Bell as Phones Only.

We walked the remainder of the Mall. I was using my Cane, but felt very little discomfort walking. We also stopped at the Roger’s outlet to find comparable pricing and plans to Freedom Mobile.

Before leaving the Mall we stopped at The Shoe Company. Last year I had purchased a pair of Skecher’s Slip-Ins, but they were a Summer Weight. I had to delay wearing them until the Sxxw had melted this Spring. They remarkably helped me get through my Hip/Leg Recovery, and gave me the independence needed, without imposing on Kathy all the time. They were also a Wide fit and I’ve always had narrow feet. Low and behold today the shoes I had looked for last Fall were in stock.

After parking the Car in its spot, it felt good to carry the few purchases up to the Apartment without our Shopping Cart at 2:30.

There was a lot of catching up to do when we got back On-Line. I was starting to get heavy-eyed at 3:45 when my phone woke me. It was Mike, one of the young men I had coached while at Windsor Feedscrew. He was venting, which I often heard before. I was also able to give him a few ideas on how to remedy those problems. Mile, the Owner, continues to be the biggest problem.

Looks like we’ll have a Wet Weekend, so we’ll make use of our time tomorrow.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You know you are getting old when you meet your friends at the Pharmacy instead of the Nightclub.

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