It's about time.

Many of you can relate to Working long hours at your career. Raising your families. Buying a home and paying all the bills related to being homeowners and parents. We're now retired and don't need all that work and expense. Now "It's about time" and what we do to follow our dreams.

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Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Thank You On A Correction, Smart Advice, Dedicated Representative and Great Meals.

Our Location today is at McGregor, Ontario, Canada.

Click on the pictures to Enlarge.

Our granddaughter once told Kathy anything that you needed to know, all you had to do was to Google it. Since neither Kathy or I are very familiar with many of the beautiful Flowers that were already on this Site when we moved here early last year that was exactly what she did. Strangely google did identify the plant as a Delphinium as it fit the description completely so that was what we labeled it as. We’d like to do is to say Thank You to Flower Girl who commented that it looked more like a Yucca Plant so Kathy did more research. Last night’s plant is in deed a Yucca Plant and it has been corrected in yesterday’s Blog. 
The Yucca plant has long thin bladed leaves.
We had the Alarm set because we were expecting Mark for 10:00 this morning but just like the last few times it has been set, I shut it down before it went off. Besides Kathy prefers waking up from a Kiss then an Annoying Beeper. As soon as breakfast was over while I made up the Bed, Kathy cleaned up the Dishes all before we even turned on the Computers. By 9:30 the Humidex was already 95 F (35 C). 
The Hostas in the Center Flowerbed are all in bloom.
Mark had visited us on Third Street when we still had our Avalanche was very impressed with our new Trailer and Site. We’ve been friends for nearly Fifteen Years and has also worked as our Financial Advisor. We needed advice and he was able to set us straight in no time so that we can continue living this Wonderful Lifestyle. Mark also gets advice from us about RVing considering he and his wife have Three Little Ones that he’d like to introduce to the beauty of Nature. 
These Day Lilies could be a bouguet.
We splurged and while I grilled Hamburgers for lunch today, Kathy was busy making a Cottage Cheese Fruit Salad for our desert. It was more then enough, tasty and healthy. 
Hamburger and Cut Fruit on Cottage Cheese for dessert.
After lunch and more On-Line research I called Ashley at the Credit Union to try to set up an appointment. She is probably the busiest Customer Service Rep in that office so I had to leave a voice mail and wait for her to call back. Let’s just say I didn’t accomplish much while waiting. I finally started the Weber up at 4:30 to grill up a Turkey Breast for supper while Kathy was making a Caesar’s Salad. It was 5:25 when I walked in with the Turkey Breast to find Kathy on the phone making our appointment with Ashley for Friday. (Her shift ended at 5:00.) Our supper was delicious and not overly filling. 
Even after eating part of the Turkey Breast there was still lots.
By the time we finished doing the Dishes it was time for Kathy’s third set of Eyedrops for the day. Due to all the Allergies that Kathy has it makes her a prisoner inside during these HOT days and after a while she has to get out.

We then headed towards Amherstburg looking for a few supplies. Our first stop was Dollarama where we managed to get most of the things on our List. Next we drove over to Walmart where we picked up more food supplies. Back Home, after bringing in all our purchases Kathy put them away while I walked over to the Overflow Parking Area and brought the Truck back to the Trailer.

With a forecasted Humidex of 113 F (45 C) for tomorrow it looks like I’ll find things inside to keep me busy. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You know you're getting old when

you feel like the morning after

and you haven't been out anywhere.


  1. I was wondering about the Yucca but forgot to mention it, I love hostas but it is way to hot here and they die out very fast but all your flowers looks so beautiful.

  2. Your garden is beautiful! What a green thumb you have!
