It's about time.

Many of you can relate to Working long hours at your career. Raising your families. Buying a home and paying all the bills related to being homeowners and parents. We're now retired and don't need all that work and expense. Now "It's about time" and what we do to follow our dreams.

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Monday, February 18, 2013

Taking Care of Business.

Our Location today is Apopka, Florida.

Last night I slept wearing my CPAP mask with no discomfort so when I woke up this morning I actually felt like I’d slept. Once I was up I also realized I had no pain in the gum at the site of Saturday’s extraction so I did what I thought best and I put in my partial plate and have worn it with no discomfort the whole day.
This morning's temperature at 9:00 outside our rear window.
Even though that was a good thing as soon as I went to go online I knew that today was going to have its problems. Our MiFi was down which meant we needed to go online to pay for our next month’s usage. This is similar to a Pay-as-You-Go cell phone where you buy time and minutes with no contract.
After an hour of trying everything possible to get it to work on line Kathy’s response was we need help. Fifteen minutes later we were at the last Verizon outlet in Apopka that had helped us before only to find one employee there. We were told that Marcus would be in within the hour and he’d be able to better help us.
That worked great for us as we headed to the Ford dealership for a needed oil change. There were lots of people there with their cars but we have a diesel truck which pushed us near the top of the line. The mechanic also noted that our air filter was fairly dirty so recommended changing that as well. We have been in a lot of dust lately so we didn’t mind. The best part was air filter, oil change and filter for less than what it would have cost for just an oil change back home and in less than an hour.
When we walked in they had empty seats but people were waiting to be seated when we left.
When I suggested eating lunch before returning to Verizon I asked Kathy where she’d like to go. Her response was that I shouldn’t even ask. Exactly next door to the Verizon location we were headed to was the very first Steak and Shake we had gone to. Kathy changed her order to a New York Slaw Hotdog for a change while I continue to enjoy their Jalapeño Crunch Steakburger and of course we both topped them off with a Chocolate Sundae and all at a reasonable price. I think that will be our last sundae for awhile as we have had 3 already since we’ve been here.
Kathy's New York Slaw Hotdog.
My Jalapeno Crunch Steakburger
Chocolate Sundaes
By noon hour we were introducing ourselves to Marcus and explaining the problems we are having paying for our usage online. He worked on our problem and after an hour finally had to do a backdoor way of getting us back online. He took the time to show Kathy step by step what he did but at the end of two hours said that Verizon needed quite a few improvements for customers to be able to manage their accounts online the way the company advertises.
Marcus showing Kathy how he completed our on-line payment.
Leaving there we crossed the parking lot to grocery shop at Walmart and finally got back home at 4:30. After working together to put everything away I went back outside to reconnect our water lines that have been disconnected for the last two days because of the freezing night time lows and Kathy went back to her online research about different campgrounds around. 
Noodles and Meetballs for supper.
We’ll see what kind of adventure we can get into tomorrow as there always seems to be something.  Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You Might Be a Redneck If

Your kids take road kill to show and tell at school.


  1. Some days are just darn busy doing stuff and it sounds like you had one of those days

  2. That sounds like a very full day but you got a lot done. Hope you got the internet connectivity issues solved. That's never any fun.

  3. Frustrating when something so easy is made to be so difficult. Boy that sundae sure looks good!

  4. How did we ever get anything done before we retired? Days just seem to be filled and busy. What a life!

    Glad your mouth is soooo much better!

    Another sundae? Yum!
