It's about time.

Many of you can relate to Working long hours at your career. Raising your families. Buying a home and paying all the bills related to being homeowners and parents. We're now retired and don't need all that work and expense. Now "It's about time" and what we do to follow our dreams.

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Saturday, October 12, 2024

No Cane, No Hands.

Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

I am starting to enjoy being able to sleep at night, but not the sleeping late in the morning. Kathy actually followed me into the Livingroom and wondered what time I got up.

Since it was past 8:30 and we didn’t want to waste anything in the Fridge we had Yogurt Cups and Cookies. We took our Tea to the Computers. Kathy was in awe as she watched me stand from a sitting position, only using the power in my legs, no Cane, no Hands.

I texted our grandson Connor a Happy Birthday Greeting, since they are way at the moment.

I know that there were many deaths in the Two Major Hurricanes down south, but the RVers whose Blogs we follow managed to stay safe.

Still cleaning the Fridge we settled for a Veggie Omelette for lunch along with a dish of Watermelon for dessert.

Our daughter Karen called to invite us for an early Thanksgiving Celebration tomorrow which we accepted with the stipulation that we were bringing a Fruit Salad that everyone seems to enjoy.

The temperature actually reached 63 F (17 C) so we enjoyed having our Balcony Door opened to cool us off. It seems the New Building Management have already turned the heat on in the building. When they first took possession they installed a system where they control our heat. Good thing we aren’t paying for it.

Supper was a Modified Store-Bought Thin-Crust Medium Pizza. I added Mushrooms and Extra Mozzarella Cheese. That was enough for our meal.

After the Dishes were cleaned up, we put together the Fruit Salad that we’ll be bringing tomorrow. It melds the flavours together when it sets overnight making it taste better.

The forecasted Thunderstorm started with a bang. That meant the Balcony Door got closed fairly quickly.

We watched a cute Paranormal Movie tonight.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Words of Inspiration

Action makes more fortune than caution.

Charlotte Whitton, Mayor of Ottawa

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