It's about time.

Many of you can relate to Working long hours at your career. Raising your families. Buying a home and paying all the bills related to being homeowners and parents. We're now retired and don't need all that work and expense. Now "It's about time" and what we do to follow our dreams.

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Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Good Visit and Amazon Misdelivered.

Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

Though I tossed and turned a bit more than I would have liked, I woke up feeling refreshed before 8:00 this morning. Since we had Plans, it wasn’t long before I woke Kathy.

We had a small dish of the Marshmallow/Fruit Salad and a glass of Juice as a snack. One helped wash down our morning pills while the other was to keep our sugar from plummeting. Though the sky was full of menacing Clouds we barely had time to check the weather report. The temperature felt like 34 F (1 C), due to the 10-15 MPH North Wind.

We actually wore Jackets before heading out, but the moment we walked between the buildings heading to the Car, we wished we had worn Coats. Then Kathy started getting upset when she saw Joggers going by on the Ganatchio Trail wearing Shorts and Tank Tops.

This was an easy drive for me, leaving our lot, going to the first traffic light and heading south. We travelled through Eight Green Traffic Lights cutting our driving time by Ten Minutes easily.
We arrived at the Route 42 Diner with over Forty Minutes to spare. We sat waiting in the Car watching customers coming and going. With Ten Minutes to spare the Big Red Ram pulled in next to us. Our son Kevin and daughter-in-law Melissa had arrived. After handshakes and hugs we headed inside.

We haven’t see one another since the 18th of August, Three Days before my surgery. We all ordered the same breakfast, but the conversation never stopped the entire time we were there. Besides finding out how I was doing, we talked about Al, Melissa’s father and our grandsons Matthew and Cameron. We talked how lucky they had been to have gone camping last weekend when it was warm, compared to this long weekend that was wet and cold. Kevin is making progress on his Street Rod and Melissa will be singing at the Legion later this month. Typical to most of our visits, we were again giving handshakes and hugs as we were leaving Two Hours later.

We swung by Guardian Storage to collect our Mail and possibly our Amazon Package, but there was nothing there.

We then stopped at Dollarama to restock on Juice and Brisk Iced Tea that we have depleted over the last Two Weeks.

After putting everything away I checked my E-Mail to find a message that our Amazon Package had been delivered at 9:42, but yet it wasn’t at Guardian Storage when we arrived after noon. I tried calling to see if had been delivered only to get buried by their Computerized Answering System.

We got caught up on some reading before heading out again. This time we loaded all the Medical Aides that I had used during my recovery period, that were now becoming obstacles in the Apartment.

Even though it was 52 F (11 C), the increased Wind made it feel just as cold as this morning, but there was a twist. Everything was wet outside the door but as we got closer to the Car, everything was dry. According to Mike the Assistant Manager there was a Two Minute Downpour.

I went in to Guardian Storage while Kathy sat in the Car. As soon as she saw me Melissa (not our daughter-in-law) handed me our Package. It had been delivered to another address that was also expecting a delivery. Without looking at the label, they opened the Package to find the Pants Kathy had ordered. The taped it shut and sent one of their own people to deliver it, Five Minutes before I arrived.

We stopped at my Storage Unit to add the Medical Aides to the Shelves in case they are needed again, before going to the Trailer to add supplies we had just picked up to use inside. The Storage Yard had massive Puddles all over the place, so even though I cautiously maneuvered around most of them, the Car now looks like we were Bajaing.

It was past 5:00 so we stopped at Arby’s for supper. Wanda has been there over Twenty Years and was happy to see us and anxious to know how I was doing. Without a Coupon we chose the Specials from the menu. Their new Barbecue Sandwich is a hit.

Home on time to see the 6 o’clock Local News we heard that we’ve got warmer weather heading our way soon.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


What starts with T, ends with T, and has T in it?


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