It's about time.

Many of you can relate to Working long hours at your career. Raising your families. Buying a home and paying all the bills related to being homeowners and parents. We're now retired and don't need all that work and expense. Now "It's about time" and what we do to follow our dreams.

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Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Looking At More Replacement Parts.

Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

I slept a little better last night, but I was still sitting at my Computer by 7:00 this morning. With the shorter days, that meant I was again up before the Sun.

When Kathy joined me shortly after 8:00, the Sun was already lighting up our Livingroom. We enjoyed breakfast before taking our Tea to the Computers. While Kathy got herself ready, I enjoyed my morning shower. For the past Four Decades, I’ve noted how showers invigorate me, so instead of having a restless night, I have a refreshing morning.

We were out the door shortly after 11:30 so that we could stop at Wendy’s for lunch. Thank goodness we have Coupons, or we would get sick of cooking all the time. Another thing we like about Wendy’s is you can manipulate your order to be more beneficial to you. Instead of Fries, Kathy gets a Side Caesar Salad, while I get a small Chili. Instead of Drinks we get Frosties. Then since we are Seniors we get Seniors Soft Drinks for Free. With the Coupon we save over Eight Dollars for our meal.

We arrived at Hearing Life early and had to convince Tina the Receptionist to go enjoy her lunch, while we read magazines. Some are actually informative.

Right on time Kritsen the Audiologist returned. Even though the Batteries were replaced in Kathy’s Hearing Aides last week the one continues to lose its charge by mid afternoon. Now she has to get used to using only one while that unit is sent for repairs.

I mentioned yesterday about having Tinnitus (constant ringing in my ears) and getting them checked every couple of years. It seems that the last time they were tested was the summer of 2019 and according to the test, the Graphs showed it has changed for the worse. Most of that was due to being exposed to Loud Noise and having to wear Ear Plugs to fit under my Welding Shield. I was damned if I didn’t war them, and damned for wearing them. A side affect of wearing Ear Plugs is Tinnitus. Headphones do not pose the same problem. Even though Kristen tried to talk me into getting Hearing Aides today, but I was resistant. By wearing Hearing Aides, before the damage gets too bad, it is easier for your Brain to adjust. It’s hard enough getting used to one replacement part (Hip), I felt it was too soon and said I’d come back in the New Year.

We went into Walmart just to walk around, but instead walked out with a few more Grocery Items we didn’t realize we needed.

You can tell it’s a weekday when you stop for Ten Minutes while the School Bus unloads all the Kindergartners at the Nursery School until their parents can pick them up after work. They were checking names off a Clipboard to be certain everyone was there.

The 6 o’clock Local News showed we can expect a cool night that will actually feel close to Freezing. We know other RVers that are further North of us, that are getting worse. At least it’s not as bad as Hurricane Milton is expected to do.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Words of Inspiration

There are folks running the government who shouldn’t be allowed to play with matches.

Will Rogers

Will Rogers, radio personality, film actor, and writer.

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