It's about time.

Many of you can relate to Working long hours at your career. Raising your families. Buying a home and paying all the bills related to being homeowners and parents. We're now retired and don't need all that work and expense. Now "It's about time" and what we do to follow our dreams.

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Sunday, September 15, 2024

Talked With Richard and Ivan.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

Even though, I have only felt Pressure and not Pain in my leg since the surgery, I think it is responsible for all the wakeful moments I’ve been having for the last Week. When I got up feeling tired this morning, it made me think about using part of my Nighttime Mickey again.

It really surprised both Kathy and I this morning, that when we looked down on the Ganatchio Trail there was a continual flow of Hundreds of Teenagers. They seemed to be heading west, only to reach a certain point before heading back east. With this being a Sunday, the only thing we could think it was, would be a Church Event.

Having tried unsuccessfully to reach Richard and Ivan before lunch, I had better luck afterwards. Richard seems to be making better strides at walking than I am. He is able to walk around his house without the use of his Walker or Cane. Though I have tried some short walks (Table to Recliner), the Pain starts reminding me to use my Cane. It could be all in my head, but for a short while longer, I’ll use the Cane.

When I spoke to Ivan, he knew that I was supposed to have surgery, but had forgotten when. He’s happy that I’m improving. The last time I spoke with him, he was going to retire, because the Company had been sold. The Company that bought Paul (the former Owner) out, asked him to stay on a bit longer, because of his knowledge of the business. They have also been buying new equipment to make the machinery run better. Since he is Twelve Years my junior, Ivan now plans to retire after the New Year.

Though our temperatures have been reasonable for this time of year our Humidex (feel like temperatures) have not. Everyone blames it on high Humidity, but is not. When our Humidity gets low our Humidex gets high. I’ve been watching this for years. It even happens when we are in the desert. At least we can sleep comfortably at night right now.

I am behaving and not overdoing it with my Hip, but I’m hoping to get to the Gym tomorrow. I badly need some Upper Body Exercises. I just haven’t told Kathy yet.

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Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Who was the owl who did all the tricks?


Saturday, September 14, 2024


 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

Every day and night, things seem to be improving, though I spend the entire night in bed, it seems that I’m doing more Tossing and Turning than actually sleeping.

It was just after 7:00 when we got up this morning. We had Cereal for breakfast at the table but bringing our Tea to the Computers. Have I ever mentioned that Kathy cannot stand to see anything out of place? As we were cleaning off the table, Kathy spotted a piece of Lint on my Pajama Bottoms, only to instinctively swat it off. It wasn’t until I stopped groaning and was able to stand up again, that she realized she had just swatted the Incision Scar. From now on I’m waiting until she’s sitting at her Computer, before I stand by the table.

Kathy spoke with our daughter Karen for a bit. She likes to be sure that we are doing well.

Even with the Humidex reaching 90 F (32 C), just having the Balcony Door and Bedroom Window open, we were comfortable.

We watched a Comedy this evening for entertainment.

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Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Words of Inspiration

We can complain because rose bushes have thorns.”

Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States

Friday, September 13, 2024

Tired Workout.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

It appears that I’m starting to get the hang of sleeping in a bed again for the second time in my life. This morning it was Kathy who got up before me at 7:30.

After having a Pastry for breakfast, we took our Tea over to the Computers, where we checked all our messages, before heading out the door. Instead of waiting for Kathy to bring the Car around to pick me up, with the use of my Cane I was able walk out to where it was parked.

With the continuing Construction Detours changing further down the roads, I still managed to guide Kathy to our destination.

The Physiotherapist stood in disbelief as I easily walked in using my Cane, while I had struggled to do so using the Walker last week. While getting the Ice Pack Treatment, I noted that the swelling in my Left Foot was completely gone and the Right Foot was not far from it. The Physiotherapist explained the Swelling was brought on from the Surgery. They adjusted the duration time on my exercises, to build up the endurance in my leg. By the time I walked out, my legs had really tightened up.

Our next stop was Windsor Gas and Diesel to speak with Jim. I had stopped in a couple times earlier this year about the Truck. He was surprised that I’d already had the Surgery. When I suggested bringing the Truck in later in October, he was fine with that.

A quick stop at Guardian Storage netted us more Mail for this week.

It was minutes before noon when we stopped at Wendy’s for lunch. There were others ahead of us, but it seemed the place filled up after we placed our order. Using a Coupon we got in the Mail on Wednesday, helped to cut our costs big time.

We made one last stop at the Dollarama closest to where we live. I’ve mentioned before that even though this is a Canadian Chain, all outlets are privately own, which means they don’t always carry the same stock. The Iced Tea, Life Savers and Cough Drops, the other store was totally out of stock, but this store’s shelves were overflowing.

We shared the task of carrying our purchases up to the Apartment, rather than using our Two Wheeled Shopping Cart. Strangely, I barely sat down, before I fell asleep. The same thing happened the last time I had Physiotherapy. A Half Hour later I was wide awake.

Back on the Computers there was a lot more catching up to do.

We found couple of Murder Mysteries to watch this evening.

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Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Reasons why English is hard to learn,

I had to subject the subject to a series of tests.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Made Me Jump.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

I managed to only wake Twice through the night, but never left the bed at all. Like I said the other day, I’m learning to sleep in a bed and to walk all over again. I slept latter than what’s become my norm.

Once Kathy joined me, I reminded her of our goal at breakfast. We would spend most of the morning on the Computers, before buckling down to business.

Kathy had stripped the bed while I sorted the laundry. We are very fortunate to have accumulated drawers full of Clothes to see us through times where there were no Laundry Facilities available. The last time we did laundry was the day before my surgery, Three Weeks.

Kathy accompanied me downstairs, which I truly appreciated. We lucked out being able to snag Three Washers, because the rest were busy. We went downstairs to empty that Mailbox. Lots of what was there were Sales that had already expired. All that in Three Weeks, but there were good things as well, like Fast-Food Coupons that we’ll make use of.

We spent a Half Hour in the Apartment before going back downstairs to move things around, so we could start our last Two Washers for the day. Again, it was easier and more comfortable to sit in the Apartment, before returning to start folding our clothes.

We were back in the Apartment with everything folded before 4:00. We sat to give my Hip/Leg a rest. Everything was put away by 5:30 so we chose to share a Store-Bought Thin-Crust Medium Pizza for supper.

We watched the 6 o’clock Local News only to learn that we’ll be seeing Seasonal Temperatures for the next week and Hurricane Francine might not make it this far North.

Kathy snuck off to start the Dishes, so I headed to the bedroom. Having worked in Industry for over Forty Years, you become used to things suddenly popping out of nowhere and not even flinching. As I was turning, there was Kathy saying in a Stern Voice, “What are you doing”? Odd, but it made me jump. I was being careful as I was making the bed not to injure myself.

Tomorrow is full of appointments and more, so we’ll let you know how that goes.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You Might Be a Redneck If

You were naked under your high school graduation robe.