It's about time.

Many of you can relate to Working long hours at your career. Raising your families. Buying a home and paying all the bills related to being homeowners and parents. We're now retired and don't need all that work and expense. Now "It's about time" and what we do to follow our dreams.

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Friday, February 28, 2025

Emergency Delays.

Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

I managed to be hooked up to my CPAP Machine for all of 2 Hours and 47 Minutes last night. I certainly did not sleep in bed that long, but it was something. The rest of the night was spent in my Recliner and when I quietly got up at 7:30, it was only seconds later that Kathy came out to join me.

Looking outside the Balcony Door, all that was visible was a Cloud filled sky. Breakfast was simple and we brought our Coffees over to the Computers. Because of the early time, this would turn into a Two Cup Morning.

Lunch was also quick and easy with Split Pea With Ham Soup.

Kathy headed back to her Computer, while I got washed up before we left.

Not wanting to be late for my appointment I chose to take the Parkway and then the Expressway as a way of saving time. What I didn’t expect were Three Fire Trucks ahead in our lane, all making U-Turns to head in the opposite direction. That backed traffic up in both directions.

We soon arrived at the Windsor Heart Institute Building on Howard. This building has a number of medical businesses inside, but the building holds Two Addresses. When we went in the end of the building with the address for Clear Imagining, we and other people were shocked to find the office void of furniture with only a Painter working inside. He told us we had to walk all the way to the far end to find their new office at the different address. There was a line of people that had walked from the old office which made me Late by 5 Minutes. That worked out in the wash, because the bone mineral density testing Technician was running Fifteen Minutes behind. The test only took Ten Minutes before we were taking the long walk back to the Car.

A little notation about Clear Imaging, there are 13 Locations in the Windsor/Essex area and not all locations can do all the tests. Since the workers were “On Strike” for a month before Christmas, they had a backlog to get through before taking any other patients. Once they added you to the Wait List, when an opening due to a cancellation became available, you were called and told which location you had to go to. Last week I was in Tecumseh.

We headed to Wendy’s where we had supper. By simply being regular customers, they discounted our meals. We both had Chicken Sandwiches, but Kathy had a Caesars Side Salad instead of Fries, while I had Chili. Instead of large soft drinks, we had Small Chocolate Frosties, then we each enjoyed the smaller Seniors Soft Drink, for Free. That was more than enough to fill us up for the evening.

The first thing the 6 o’clock Local News talked about was the local results of the Ontario election. Then they televised a disgusting meeting between the President of Ukraine and Donald Trump. We won’t be the 51st State. The weather continues to See-Saw back and forth with us reaching 54 F (12 C) this afternoon.

We later watched the movie The Marksmanfor entertainment.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You Might Be a Redneck If

You think your truck's title is "my truck".

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Election Day, 47 and Savings.

Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

I was hoping to get another restful night’s sleep in last night, but it didn’t happen. Thinking I could just go straight to Bed and sleep, did not work. I still ended up in my Recliner in the middle of the night, before returning to sleep in the bed.

I was up by 7:30 this morning, so after getting as ready as possible for breakfast and opening the Balcony Blinds, I headed to the Computer. Looking outside confirmed what “The Weather Network” was showing. The sky was Overcast with a temp of 28 F (-2 C). They also forecasted a high of 41 F (5 C) this afternoon, but we would again make it to 45 F (7 C).

Luckily, Kathy had slept well, so was wide awake sitting at her Computer, when the phone call for a Package delivery came in for us.

We settled for Grilled Cheese with Olives for lunch before heading out.

Since this is Election Day on our Province, we did walk past the Voting Poll down in the Lobby. Since we had already voted at the Advanced Poll, we simply ignored it, but will use it come the next Election.

Our very first stop was Guardian Storage where I collected the Mail and the Package. Kathy did not realize that I had ordered “The Legend Of John Lea”, the 13th Book in that series. In total we now have 47 Books written by Nick Russell, who we met before he published his first Mystery book. After reading his first, Kathy told him that he had to keep writing and he has. He weaves stories that keep you wondering “Who did it?

We stopped at the Pioneer gas station to fill the Car with Gasoline. At $1.499/Litre ($5.673/US Gallon) the cheapest we’ve seen in a long time, it still cost $65.00 to fill.

Our next stop was the Motor City Community Credit Union to do some banking, since our our Government Pay-Cheques came in. We managed to do most of it here, before driving over the Bank, to put some Eggs in a different basket.

We then headed back to The Bulk Barn to pick up some healthy snacks at bargain prices, before going over to the Zehr’s grocery store. Since this was Thursday, all the shelves had been restocked with lots of the items we needed at reduced prices.

It was too early to eat out, so we headed for home. As we were loading our Two Wheeled Folding Shopping Cart, we could see water droplets hitting the Car. That helped us to move a lot faster. Inside the Apartment it would take nearly Two Hours to clean up the Strawberries, cut up a huge Salmon Fillet into meal sized portions, and get everything else put away.

We then shared a Store-Bought Thin-Crust Medium Hawaiian Pizza, with extra Pineapple and Mozzarella Cheese for supper, just as the 6 o’clock Local News was starting. We might see the Sun one day in the next Seven Days, with a mix of Flurries and Rain on the rest. We were also reminded to get out and Vote. There was a Fatal Collision last night just up the road from where we live.

We later watched Matlock”, “Law and Order” and “The Pittfor entertainment.

With an appointment tomorrow afternoon, we’ll be busy.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


How does a scientist freshen her breath?

With experi-mints.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Answers and The Whole Thing.

Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

Last night was almost a duplicate of Monday Night. I napped in my Recliner for only Sixty Minutes before going to bed. Kathy only held the Covers for Ten Minutes this time, so I started my day by 7:30 this morning.

Kathy had been tired most of yesterday, so I let her sleep in. When she joined me, instead of making a quick breakfast, I created a Bacon/Veggie Omelette brunch that would hold us over late into the afternoon.

In answer to a Comment, we need to finish prepping this Trailer, so we are not worried about being Off the Grid. We also have to work at improving our Health, so at this time we are hoping for a couple of Local Trips this year and possibly head South then West next Winter.

We finally shared a Cantaloupe around 4:00 that had spent too much time inside the Fridge. It must have been green when we purchased it, then ripened while it waited for us to eat it. If this had been eaten as a dessert, it would have served for Two Meals, but since this was our meal, we ate the whole thing.

The 6 o’clock Local News confirmed more roller coaster weather was heading our way. With additional Rain continuing to clean the White off the landscape, it was like a kick when they mentioned to expect more Flurries over the next few days.

Later we watched Chicago Med”, “Chicago Fire” and “Chicago P.D.for entertainment.

With tomorrow being Election Day in Ontario, and the fact that we voted early, we’re going to make use of the time.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Words of Inspiration

Silence, I discover, is something you can actually hear.”

Haruki Murakami, Japanese Novelist and Translator

Tuesday, February 25, 2025


Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

It’s no use going to bed if I’m not the least bit tired, but after Ninety Minutes of napping in my Recliner changed that completely. I then spent almost the next Seven Hours sleeping in Bed. That was only interrupted when I became quite Cold, because someone started snuggling the blankets in her sleep. It would take nearly an Hour before I managed to get partially covered enough to warm up.

It was just past 8:00 when I got out of bed and had barely gotten in the other room when Kathy came out to join me. That called for a morning snack as our breakfast, so we’d have lunch almost on time.

We spent the rest of the morning doing what we do best at our Computers. I managed to find a couple names that I didn’t want to see where I read them. The first was Dennis who retired at the same time as I did from the Casting Plant. He always tried to help anyone that was having a bad day.

The other was Lynn, that worked at the old Canadian Blood Services building, where I used to donate Whole Blood. She used to listen to some of my stories of our travels, saying she and her husband wanted to do something like that, but said he wasn’t retiring until 2025. Enjoy your travels Lynn.

We shared a Store-Bought Thin-Crust Medium Spinach Pizza with added Olives for lunch.

We’re still making Plans to hopefully head back to the Southwest next Winter, but that can always change. I have a list of people that we’d be stopping to visit along the way. That would also slow our travels down so we wouldn’t be so tired. That is also why I will be very busy working on our Trailer when the weather improves.

With the 35 MPH Wind Gusts rattling our Railing, we found things to fill the time. Watching the Weather Report throughout the day, I laughed when Today’s High kept on increasing. This morning it was shown to be 43 F (6 C) but by supper the temperature had reached 55 F (13 C).

We had All-Beef Hotdogs for supper with Asparagus for a side, along with another thin slice of Tuxedo Cake for dessert. Like I said before, my slices are thinner than Kathy’s

Looking out the Balcony Door most of the ground covering had disappeared. The 6 o’clock Local News showed a few more days of Spring like weather, before it drops back to Seasonal on the weekend.

After cleaning up today’s Dishes, we watched Will Trent”, “The Rookie” and “High Potentialfor entertainment.

I know we’ll be getting out tomorrow.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


What do you call a duck who gets straight A’s?

A wise quacker!

Monday, February 24, 2025

See-Saw and Above Seasonal.

Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

I was back on the Sleep See-Saw last night, spending more of my time in my Recliner. The time I was in Bed was again spent Tossing and Turning, which just caused even more Pain in my Neck.

I mentioned that our Temperature was going to increase a bit, well last night it stayed above the Freezing Mark. The strange thing was that when I woke in my Recliner this morning, I was very cold. Then when Kathy came out to join me, she was just as cold.

After we finished breakfast and settled in at the Computers, I called the Pharmacy to order Kathy’s Medications that I had been told could not be ordered until today. Though I didn’t say I was upset, I got that way when I was told the Medications were ready last week.

We shared a Store-Bought Thin-Crust Medium Supreme Pizza for lunch, before we headed out the door.

With the Sun beaming the temperature would eventually make it to 45 F (7 C), but with the 43 MPH Wind Gusts we were happy to have worn our Coats to keep warm. There was water everywhere in the Parking Lots and on the Streets as the melting started making us feel more alive. Large sections of Brown Grass were breaking through the White ground-covering.

Though there were at least Six people ahead of me at Health First Pharmacy, a new face behind the counter asked to help me. After I gave her Kathy’s information, she still could not find the medications. A longer serving assistant, simply reached in the drawer and handed it to her.

Like everyone reading, this is the time of year when all our Taxation Information starts to trickle in. We headed to Guardian Storage to pick up our Mail and there were a number of those going directly into the Tax File. Looking through the fence, I decided not to go check out our Trailer, because the Car would have needed Pontoons to make it through.

We went to Wendy’s to have supper. According to the manager, our Canadian Postal Service is being selective as to when and where they deliver Fast Food Coupons. Knowing us as regulars, she automatically keyed in the Sale Code to give us our discount. We were also told that we could get the coupons by simply going to any Post Office Outlet and ask, at which point they would simply hand them to us.

Back at the Apartment I took the Recycle down to the Bins, before we watched the 6 o’clock Local News. We later watched Murdoch Files”, “Rescue: Hi Surf” and “Sight Unseenfor entertainment.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You Might Be a Redneck If

You've used a bathtub as a punch bowl.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

That Was Better and Bourne.

Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

Being tired from all the lack of sleep that I’ve been getting lately, was making me second guess my decision to avoid using any Sleep Aides. I was surprised to wake in my Recliner last night after only an Hour still feeling tired, so I headed to bed where I could use my CPAP Machine. When I woke just before 9:00, I was feeling totally refreshed and knew that I had made the right decision.

I didn’t even have the Balcony Blinds open when Kathy came out to join me. Looking down at the parking lot, all the vehicles had a heavy Frost on their windshields. As we sat down to enjoy our Toast for breakfast the Sun started shining in.

We were busy doing some research along without typical morning reading. We later shared a Store-Bought Thin-Crust Medium Veggie Pizza for lunch.

The light South Wind didn’t rattle the Balcony Railing like the last few days. Though I have a list of things to tend to, they have to wait until tomorrow when the Offices will be open. I added more Data to our Spreadsheet.

We watched the Detroit News, since our Local News doesn’t run on the weekends. It’s owned by the Bell Media Group and they do that so they can run Tournaments and make money from the advertisers.

We enjoyed Sauteed Asparagus and Potato Slices, along with Honey Garlic Spareribs for supper. We topped it off with a slice of Tuxedo Cake. I make the slices thinner to cut back on the Calories and to make it last longer.

We later watched Tracker” and “The Bourne Supremacy”. That kept us on the edge of our seats.

We’ll be busy tomorrow, making up for our lax weekend.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


What did the plate say to the other plate?

Dinner is on me!

Saturday, February 22, 2025

The News Was A Joke.

Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

After spending most of the night in my Recliner, I felt like I had weighted feet today. I thought the best way to fix that was to make Banana Pancakes for breakfast. They were only okay, because I used the wrong Frying Pan, that made the diameter tighter and the Pancake thicker. That means they nearly burnt before any sign that they are cooking showed up. They were only a little darker than I prefer but still edible.

Glad to see the return of many of the RV Bloggers, that haven’t been publishing lately.

Due to our low activity level, we settled for Italian Wedding Soup for lunch and a Cookie for dessert.

It was also nice when the Sun returned for the rest of the day, but the 29 MPH Southwest Wind Gusts was enough to keep lots of people inside, rather that Walking/Jogging on the Ganatchio Trail. The City, plowed it clean yesterday, but it still seemed deserted today.

We waited a little later to have our Bacon/Veggie Wraps for supper. We also enjoyed a slice of Tuxedo Cake for dessert, that we have skipped for the last month.

With little else to watch this evening, we watched “Have we got news for you”. Though they review the news of the past week, they do it in a comical way.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Words of Inspiration

You'll notice that a turtle only makes progress when it sticks out its neck.
