It's about time.

Many of you can relate to Working long hours at your career. Raising your families. Buying a home and paying all the bills related to being homeowners and parents. We're now retired and don't need all that work and expense. Now "It's about time" and what we do to follow our dreams.

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Monday, December 30, 2024

Lack Of Sleep, Restocking and Happy New Years Eve.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

After not leaving the Apartment for two entire days, it finally took its toll on me. Concentrating on the Doucettes on Saturday, then Rainy weather yesterday, it was bound to happen. For Five Hours no matter what I did sleep had escaped me. By 3:45 I was sitting in my recliner in hopes of getting some sleep. It felt like I blinked my eyes, but the Clock across the room showed it was 6:50 and it felt wonderful. I slipped back in bed only to have the same problem as before, for the next Hour. It was just past 9:00 when I finally got up, having gotten a total of Four Hours of sleep for the night.

I’ve done such a good job of wearing down our food supply, there wasn’t enough Bread or Milk for a normal breakfast this morning. Instead, we enjoyed Yogurt Cups and Trail Bars for our meal.

Of course, we had our Coffees at the Computers. Kathy ordered something last Saturday, but when I tried to “Track” it there was no Link. Since it is coming from the US, we’ll just keep checking.

For lunch, there was still a Store-Bought Thin-Crust Medium Hawaiian Pizza in the Freezer, that we shared. Now our Shopping List was really complete. Where can Two People share a meal for $3.49, that’s ready to serve in 13 Minutes?

With the kitchen all cleaned up, we were headed out the door. It was nice seeing the Sun after a full day of Rain and the 43 F (6 C) temperature felt nice as well.

Our first stop was the Dollarama store to get some Juice and Brisk Iced Tea. Next, we headed over to the Zehr’s grocery store. The place was packed! Since we don’t receive any Grocery Flyers, we did not know about all the Bargains they were offering on everyday items most people need. We lucked out because some of those Bargains were on our List. There were actually Five Cashiers open to ease the long line at the Self-Checkout. It still made a dent in our Chequing Account.

Not wanting anything Frozen to thaw, we headed straight for home. Our Folding Two Wheel Shopping Cart was groaning from the load we had to bring upstairs.

It took nearly a Half Hour to get it all put away, so when I sat down after all that Fresh Air, Walking exercise and Lack of Sleep my eyes started getting heavy. Immediately I got up to get supper ready, because I didn’t want to nap during the day and not sleep tonight.

The Weather Guesser did not give us a promising forecast on the 6 o’clock Local News. The next Two Days will just creep above the Freezing Mark, but not the other Five and all Seven will be Wet or White.

We watched a Hallmark Christmas Movie for entertainment.

Tomorrow will be a Special Day in more ways than one.

To all our Family, Friends and Readers, we want to wish you a Safe, Happy New Year’s Eve.

Remember, if you have Alcoholic Drinks, Please Don’t Drive. The Life you save could be your own. We want everyone to arrive, wherever they are going.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You Might Be a Redneck If

Your favorite restaurant also has a truck wash.


  1. After a full 10 days of traveling and sleeping in 4 different beds, we both have slept well the last 2 nights. Wishing you both a happy, healthy and safe New Year.

  2. Hopefully next year will be better for sleeping through the night for you and Kathy. Btw, there is an app called "Flipp" download it to your laptop or phone and enter your postal code for the stores around you. It has all the flyers you'll ever need.
