Our Location today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.
With a little help from a regular strength Tylenol I managed
to sleep soundly last night and woke up five minutes before the alarm was set
to go off. Kathy wasn’t so lucky because she had a pretravel night of sleep
staying awake until after 2:00 in the morning and didn’t feel like Sleeping
Beauty when I kissed her on the forehead to wake her up at 6:30.
Last night after supper I cheated by precutting the
vegetables and ham that I used in this morning’s omelet that we shared for breakfast.
Even though we had coffee with our breakfast we could have used another cup but
we had to get on the road.
We left the driveway by 7:30 and our destination was over to
Kathie and Ross’s apartment building. No we weren’t picking them up but their
daughter Christine. By 7:50 we were on our way towards the 401 highway.
When Ross had his heart attack over ten days ago once he was
stabilized he was airlifted back to the hospital in Windsor so that he’d be
close to his loved ones and friends. There was only one problem. The rest of
his personal items and car were still back in Goderich and they needed to come
home so that was our destination for today.
This was Christine’s only day off this week and we were on
our way to retrieve her dad’s car. During the three hour and a half drive we
stopped for a coffee to go and spent the entire time talking. Talking about her
job and Liam’s schooling along with other personal observations. We also talked
of our travels and what the kids and grandchildren were doing and what we were
doing to try to help them when we could.
Salt mines in Goderich |
I had guestimated our arrival time around 11:30 at the Sifto
Salt mines in Goderich and we were only off by three minutes. That was where
Ross had been working at the time of his heart attack and where his car was
still parked. After stopping at the Security Office we were directed through the
gate to the rear parking lot where the car was parked. Another guard explained
that all of Ross’s belongings from his hotel room had been put in the car.
Kathy and Christine after signing in at the Security Office. |
When Christine open the car door she nearly fell over from
the smell. When Ross is working he buys food at the local grocery store and
keeps it in a fridge in his room. When the guards emptied his room they took
the food as well and closed it up in his car. Christine was now going to have
to drive the car all the way home with the windows partially open.
Glenn happy to hear Ross's condition is improved. |
Before leaving town to head for home we stopped at Union
Burgers. This is the first time we have ever been to a (not fast food) burger
outlet in Canada that was licensed to serve alcoholic beverages. We placed our
orders at the counter sticking with just pop as the drinks and sat at our
table. When our orders were ready they delivered it to us. The burgers were all
different along with homemade fries and were all delicious. When we left we
were not hungry.
Christine followed us because she was not familiar with the
route that we were taking. The entire trip today was done without the aid of a
GPS or a map. Years ago I had travelled that route to attend school, attend
meetings and conferences. There had been very little change to the roads and
towns that we passed through but the population of wind turbines had changed
Loading salt in a ship. |
We had discussed stopping to briefly visit other RV bloggers
in the area but after reading their blogs last night knew that they wouldn’t be
home. Maybe next time!
Ship across the harbor being loaded with grain. |
After driving for nearly two hours we stopped at Park’s
Blueberry Country Store to have a coffee and slice of their Blueberry Custard
Pie that we fell in love with two weeks ago. Christine was not a fan of
Blueberries but said she had become a convert. We spent another hour talking
and enjoying one another’s company before continuing on our trip home.
When we arrived back at Kathie and Ross’s they had cooked a
wonderful roast beef dinner for all of us. Again we had more to talk about
before we said our good byes.
We stopped at our daughter Karen’s and visited for a short
while. Greg and Karen really liked how the living room turned out and thanked
us for doing it.
It was after 9:00 by the time we finally got home and I
called our son Gary to wish him a Happy Birthday. Tomorrow we don’t have to get
up early but we still have things to do. Thanks for following along and feel
free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!
It’s about time.
The World's Great Proverbs
no more cats than will catch mice.
That is a nice drive to Goderich and love the town, nice that you made the drive in good time.