Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.
Click on the pictures to enlarge.
After spending only an Hour in my Recliner last night, I headed off to bed. Just knowing that we had the Alarm set had me waking periodically to look at the clock. I fortunately fell back to sleep until it was only minutes before the Alarm would have gone off. I prefer slowly waking Kathy rather than startling her into consciousness and she appreciates it as well.
We simply had our morning Medications with a glass of Juice, so we could later justify eating out.
On our way out, Kathy warmed herself from the 12 F (-11 C) temperature inside the Car while I scraped the Ice encrusted windows clean.
We arrived at Kathy’s Rheumatologist's Office in Tecumseh well ahead of the appointed time, of which some was used filling out Patient Feedback Forms. After doing an Ultra-Sound on her Hands the doctor was impressed enough to say he would see her again in another Six Months.
Our next stop was Wendy’s where we both enjoyed a Breakfast Wrap and Senior’s Coffee for a total of $4.00. We’ll enjoy this Tax Holiday on groceries and eating out until this weekend.
With that in mind and the upcoming Winter weather in the forecast, we made a quick stop at Dollarama to do some stocking up. They were out of the Juice we enjoy with our breakfasts, so we’ll try another location tomorrow.
When I called the Pharmacy to order the medications that Kathy was missing, a new voice at the other end said that according to their records, she should still have Twelve Days worth of the One so I’ll have to wait to order them. I’ll stop in for a talk with the Manager tomorrow.
Though it was lite, our breakfast had also been late, so we shared an Apple for an afternoon snack.
I spent most of the afternoon adding more data to the Spreadsheet, that I’ve been working on and will continue to expand in the future. Cold, bad weather days, are the perfect time to do that.
The 6 o’clock Local News was on before we shared a Store-Bought Thin-Crust Medium Vegetarian Pizza. They continue to forecast Winter Storms for Two Days this week, but with less intensity than first expected.
We later watched “Tracker” and “Sight Unseen” for entertainment.
We’ll probably do more grocery shopping tomorrow as a way of getting out.
Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.
Be Safe and Enjoy!
It’s about time.
Words of Inspiration
“Once social change begins, it cannot be reversed. You cannot uneducate the person who has learned to read. You cannot humiliate the person who feels pride. You cannot oppress the people who are not afraid anymore.”
Cesar Chavez, American Migrant Farmworkers Organizer
It looks like you will be all set to stay put if more snow is coming. Hopefully the roads will be cleared quickly at least in town.