
Saturday, February 8, 2025


Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

As mentioned the last few nights, I seem to have found a way to actually sleep at night without constantly tossing and turning. I was only in my Recliner for an Hour last night before sleeping for over Seven Hours in bed.

I had barely gotten up when Kathy came out to join me. After having breakfast, we headed to the Computers. By the time I finished reading all the Recently Published Blogs on the sidebar, it was time for a late lunch. Something quick helped get me back on track.

I started adding a different type of Data to the Spreadsheet that will eventually find its way onto our Blog. The late lunch led to a late supper and our evening medications. With the Doucettes then being empty, I went exchange them with some that were full. That’s where the problem was, because there were no full Doucettes, they were all empty. I immediately got on my Computer and verified the next date to do the Doucettes was TODAY.

I had been thinking it was next week, but it wasn’t so I did the only thing that I could do, and that was to pull down the Duffle Bag with all our Medications and Vitamins at 7:00 tonight and get started. I prefer doing this in the early afternoon but had thought we were good for another week. I managed to do most of the Doucettes completed, except I’ll need to contact the Pharmacy on Monday. I taped notes to the Doucettes affected of what is needed so I’ll get it right. I also have to store the pill bottles and log them into the Spreadsheet. Hopefully I’ll have this published before Midnight.

To all the Football Fans, enjoy the Superbowl tomorrow, and may the best team win.

Sxxwplows are presently cleaning the latest Flurries.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You Might Be a Redneck If

The local police go on high alert during your Super Bowl party.


  1. When I am at home, I alternate between the bed and recliner. 7 hours is pretty darn good, I would take that any night!

  2. Leonard fills our weekly meds in the plastic date thingy. He does it on Wednesday when he also takes a blood sample of his INR (tracking for blood thinners). I have to admit, I would not know who gets what. We do keep lists in our wallets. However, he could slip me a "mickey" and I would not know. I bet Kathy doesn't know either!
