
Friday, February 7, 2025

Busy and More Winter Weather.

Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

This is definitely not something I want to do every night, but for now starting the night in my Recliner, than going to bed seems to be working.

We started our day before 8:00 so I managed to get a bit of reading in before buckling down. As soon as my Coffee was finished I started by stripping the bed, before moving to the Livingroom to sort the Laundry. This would prove to be a test as to how long it had been since the last time. That also proved we have more casual clothes that most would think to own.

We had our first loads in the Washers going before 10:00 but there was more to do. Banking on the fact that the Washer Doors are locked until the end of the cycle, we headed back to the Apartment to do more reading. We were back in the Laundry Room before those cycles were done. All those ended up in the Dryers and the last loads were added to the Washers.

Knowing we had 45 Minutes before we needed to be back, we enjoyed Veggie Wraps for lunch along with a slice of Chocolate Cake for dessert.

We managed to be back just minutes before the Washers were ready. That allowed me to empty the Dryers to the Folding Table and load the wet clothes into the Dryers. By not letting the Dryers time out, I simply added Ten Minutes time for a quarter. By adding Three Quarters was cheaper than paying $2.25 for an entire cycle. We were back in the Apartment with everything folded before 2:00. We enjoyed a second cup of Coffee at the Computers before remaking the bed, then putting our clothes away.

Back at the Computers my eyes Blinked again for about Twenty Minutes. I try to avoid doing that during the day, so that I will sleep at night. The only thing I could do was to start making supper. I reheated the Leftover Hamburgers from the other night.

The 6 o’clock Local News showed that we could be experiencing Winter Weather tomorrow as well as the beginning of the week. Later we watched “NCIS: Sydney”, “High Country” and S.W.A.T.”.

We’ll try getting out for a while tomorrow.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Where do shellfish go to borrow money?

The pawn broker.

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