
Monday, March 18, 2024

Slow Flurries.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

After another partial night’s sleep, but I was up before 8:00 ready to start my day. Kathy was awake minutes later while I was getting things ready for breakfast.

The Clouds filled the sky most of the day, bring with it Flurries. Though the temperature was just above the Freezing Mark, the Wind made it feel well below.

I didn’t overdo it walking yesterday, yet Pain was telling me a different story. I tried calling another Doctor’s Office a few times today, only to hang up after more than Thirty Rings each time, went unanswered.

Warm Soup helped take the chill out as we tried keeping busy at minor things. One of those things was getting our Printer working today. It might have been the way I shook my Fist at it, that made it work. I was able to print the necessary Proof of Insurance for the Building Management, along with updated Medication Lists for the both of us.

Having kept our intake level down due to our lack of activity, we were sharing a Store-Bought Thin-Crust Medium Pizza for supper by 5:00, but shared some Popcorn later.

The 6 o’clock Local News showed there was a lot that happened in Windsor over the weekend, even though the Parent Company has chosen show Sports Tournaments instead.

Even with temperatures close to today’s, we’ll be busy with multiple stops tomorrow.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You Know You're Over The Hill When

You begin every other sentence with, "Nowadays."


  1. We have been making home made hawaiin pizzas from a recipe we got off the internet. They are so delicious. We get the crusts (very thin) from Amazon of all places, as our local grocery no longer carries them. Absolutely delicious. Even if you don't like Hawaiian pizza, it is worth a try. Leave a comment back if interested and we will add details.

  2. I was talking to my son last night about pizza and my daughter-in-law makes them crust less.
    That's not good about the doctor. Maybe they don't work on Mondays?

  3. You certainly seem to have the worst time with doctors!! That is NO fun.
