
Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Cold, Windy, Maybe White.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

After a slightly better night, I was up by 8:00 getting shaved and ready for our day. I’d barely finished when Kathy joined me. Breakfast was Toast at the table, followed by Coffee at the Computers. We did have a chance to see the temperature was below the Freezing Mark, with Winds that were bringing it near Parka Weather.

We took Riverside Drive across the city, giving us a chance to relax, yet getting us to our destination with less mileage. We had an appointment with our Family Doctor. We barely sat down in the Waiting Room before being brought into the Examination Room, where we sat less than a minute before George showed up. He threw us off balance today, by addressing my issues first instead of Kathy’s. In the end I walked out with prescriptions and not Kathy, but we both have to come back in Eight Weeks.

It was just past noon when we stopped at Wendy’s on Walker Road, for lunch. This is not our usual outlet so, the Manager stood in disbelief how I stretched our order, compared to what the Coupon showed. We enjoyed our meal.

We next went across the road to Princess Auto where I took advantage to their sale on Wiring Grommets. They were sold out on the first day, the last time they were advertise.

Heading towards home we stopped at Guardian Storage to collect our Mail, before going to Health First Pharmacy to get my prescriptions filled.

Going to the Zehr’s grocery store we picked up a variety of things we were running low on. With it being in the middle of the afternoon, in nearly the middle of the week, there were only Two Cashiers with Twenty People wanting to check out and more shopping.

The Thirty-Five MPH Wind Gusts were practically pushing Kathy up to the rear entrance to our building. Seeing the Office door open, I casually mentioned to Mary about the Wind rattling the Partition Wall the Contractors had installed. It just happened that the new Building Handyman was in the room, so after adding that to his list, he followed us to our Apartment so he could personally check it out. He plans on making a bracket as I suggested, then coming back to install it.

The Weather Guesser on the 6 o’clock Local News, showed we could be turning White by Friday. Let’s hope he’s wrong.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Words of Inspiration

I believe in benevolent dictatorship, provided I am the dictator.”

Sir Richard Brandon, British Entrepreneur and Adventurer


  1. The snow and winds must be payback for you not having had it all winter. Kathy's comment on my blog jinxed it! oh no! Hope it disappears soon.

  2. We don't eat fast food anymore, but when we did mine was Wendy's! :)
