
Friday, January 5, 2024

Errands That Made A Difference.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

We must have done something right last night, or were just too tired from the night before. I tried taking some Pain Medication for my Hip/Leg, more than an Hour before going to bed. By doing so I was able drift off naturally. By me not tossing and turning all night long, Kathy woke up feeling refreshed and alert.

There were things we needed to do, so by doing them today, meant we would see more than the Apartment walls. We left shortly after 11:00 and the first place we went was Windsor Feedscrew, where my final Pay-Cheques and Separation Papers were waiting for me. Kathy stayed in the Car while I took care of business. Mile’s car was not there but Vera was happy to see me and take care of the paperwork. I asked about saying “Hello” to the crew and she said “Yes, though Mile was running errands”. Everyone was excited to see me, shaking my hand and wishing me the best before going back to their jobs.

Sorough’s eyes grew wide when he saw me. I had come at the perfect time because he was having a problem with welding a Mixer on the PTA. With a single question I knew the answer, he had set the Wrong Lead-In Value. He almost hugged me.

We checked for Mail at Guardian Storage before continuing on.

Using the Gift Cards from my last day of work we enjoyed Chicken Wraps for lunch at Tim Hortons. Taking our time and people watching I pointed something out to Kathy. In the world of fashion, a lot of the Footwear that women are wearing today, resembled the Safety Shoes that I was required to wear while working in the Casting Plants. Years ago, women would have balked at the thought.

Since the gas prices were down, we went to the Pioneer gas station to top off the Car.

Next we stopped at the Credit Union to deposit my cheques.

Since we have been shopping without Lists again, we returned to Dollarama and the Zehr’s grocery store, to top off our Pantry and Freezer, of the forgotten items.

Kathy felt comfortable with the walking we did today, but my Hip/Leg told me a different story.

On the 6 o’clock Local News, the Weather Guesser showed we could be in for a gradual whitening of the landscape, throughout the weekend.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You Might Be a Redneck If

The bluebook value of your truck goes up and down,

depending on how much gas is in it.

1 comment:

  1. A nice visit to your last (?, who knows, you might be such a goof as to go to work again!!) place of employment. And yes, getting "ahead of the pain" is something I've heard from physical therapists, so doing a med earlier before sleep could help....
