
Thursday, January 4, 2024

Change To Plans.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

For those that have been following this Blog for some time, this will look like a retro post. We both have Sleep Apnea and use CPAP Machines to sleep at night. One of the major Side-Effects of Sleep Apnea is Insomnia. Add Hip/Leg Pain to the mix and it will be nearly impossible to sleep. A symptom of Sleep Apnea is feeling tired after sleeping the entire night. If you are using a CPAP Machine, you will feel refreshed and ready to tackle a new day. While using a Machine and not feeling rested, will take its toll on you if it continues to happen.

I managed to gather Three Half Hour Periods of sleep last night, but just laying in bed until Kathy woke, helped me relax, but not rest. When Kathy woke, she felt like hadn’t slept, we knew we had another problem. Checking the display, showed her setting down to Eleven when she had been told it should be higher.

Our Plans for the day quickly changed as I made calls to the Sleep Disorder Clinic then the Supplier of the equipment. Her Machine would need to be checked out.

We were out the door by 11:00, making our first stop at Shoppers Drug Mart. Every Thursday is Seniors Discount Day where you get Twenty Percent Discount. There were more Vitamins that I would be needing the next time I do our Doucettes, so that’s what I went for. The last time I got Vitamins, I got a Tens Dollars (Limited Time Offer) off my Purchase. That added up to big savings today.

We added more to our savings at Dollarama, before using a Coupon at Wendy’s for lunch.

We finally made it to Vital-Air, where Taira checked Kathy’s CPAP. The display was now showing it at Twelve, which is higher than we saw. We’ll keep a close eye on it and if Kathy continues feel tired, she’ll need a referral to the Sleep Disorder Clinic so she can be reassessed. They can then decide to raise the setting.

We made a stop at Health First Pharmacy to see if the Cardiologist had sent his changes for Kathy’s Medications. With nothing there, so we headed for home.

Kathy decided it was time to put away the Christmas Decorations. As she started stripping the Tree, I was busy answering the phone. Though I was tired enough to take a Snap, the first call was from Health First Pharmacy, saying there were Medications there for me. Just as I was getting back to slumber-land, another call from the other Pharmacist at Health First Pharmacy was calling to review the changes to Kathy’s Medications by the Cardiologist. I finally had a Fifteen Minute Snap when our daughter Karen called, checking how Kathy was doing.

The Decorations are all put away for another year and we both hope we have a better night’s sleep.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


What do you call two dumbbells having a chat?

A heavy discussion!


  1. We get our prescriptions filled at WalMart. I sure do wish they all needed refills at the same time. Seems like we no sooner get one and it's back for another a few days later. At least all the clerks know us.

  2. Hope you two get that cpap machine fixed and find restful nights.
