
Thursday, October 26, 2023

What Else Is New.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

Even though I left work around 5:00 last night, the rest of the crew did not leave until 6:30. Mile also brought in Pat to weld over all the Cracks that had reappeared on the Flights.

When I saw those Feedscrews still on the Inspection Bench this morning, I started checking all the additional welds that had been done. As a jester of good faith I started marking the Hundred Plus Cracks that would need to be welded. Mile said Pat was coming back to fix them, and wanted me to run the PTA, even though they still had not received the Parts on my shopping list.

Since I’m still showing Sorough how to use and maintain the Plasma Transfer Arc to the best of my knowledge, we started by dismantling the Torch. It stopped working on Monday and the Pilot Arc would no longer ignite. When Bob the Technician from Kennametal was servicing the PTA, he insisted the Electrode Liner was not being installed properly. The Torch has not functioned properly since then, so we switched it back the way it was. Minutes later the Torch was lit and we were ready to weld, or were we.

We spent Thirty Minutes doing all the Touch-Ups before looking at welding the remainder of the Flight. Within Three Inches the Feed Tubes on the Torch plugged. That required removing the Orifice, before cleaning out the Tubes with a Special Drill Bit. It was while we were doing those repairs that Mile looked in to hear me using Colourful Language. He simply turned on his heals and went the other way.

The same scenario played out Two More Times, before we had to start rebooting the System, because the Torch decided if it had to work, it was going Cross Country. After the Third Reboot we won and were finishing the Unit just as Mile returned later this afternoon, with our Pay-Cheques.

It felt good to be leaving at 3:30, but not everyone was having such a good day. Four Ambulances drove by us on Walker Road and Two more on Tecumseh.

After a visit to Wyandotte Chiropractic Center, I stopped at the Credit Union before finally heading home.

When I got off the Elevator on our floor one could smell the Aroma of someones meal. Was I ever smiling when I opened the Apartment door to find that the Aroma was from Kathy cooking Spare Ribs and Sauteed Potatoes for supper.

With only one more day left to the week, I’m looking forward to spending the weekend with Kathy.

For those receiving Our Anonymous Comments, I still sign off with the “It’s about time.”, unless it’s as a Condolence, then I use our names. (I absent-mindedly did that once. Never again.)

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


How does a monkey ring a doorbell?

King Kong! King Kong!

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