
Thursday, April 20, 2023

Coin Toss and Comment Issues.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

There was no doubt what job I would be working on when I started the day at Windsor Feedscrew. I had already mounted it in the PTA before leaving yesterday. With no Blueprints to work from it was just a matter of pulling out my Tape Measure and getting all the measurements that were needed. Learning not to totally trust the Plasma Transfer Arc to follow those Numerical Directions, I figured a way on how to test them. By taping a short Pencil to the PTA Torch, it can be run without the use of any Arc, Powder or Argon. The only thing used is the power needed to rotate the Screw and move the Carriage. It was smooth sailing and it passed with flying colours.

The next step was to heat the Unit up to 700 F (330 C) with the use of a Propane Burner. Being a shorter Feedscrew there was only room enough for a single Burner. That allowed me to make all the other preparations needed, before starting to weld.

With the Welding Machines and Torch then live the button “Begin to Weld” was pushed. Even with the Automatic Levelling Controller turned on the Torch did an immediate Nose Dive into the Screw, actually burning the side of the Pocket out. After Two more attempts yielded the same disastrous result, I immediately shut the system down for a Hard Reboot. This time the Torch took off cross country, causing me to turn the Centering Knob beyond its capability, so I had to reset it. As our Engineer had said, every time we used the PTA was a Dice Roll, some good and some bad. This was a Struggle and yet the Technicians have not been brought in yet.

Even though this Feedscrew had been thoroughly cleaned of any Plastic that had been attached to it, the First Pass resulted in lots of Pinholes that had to be ground out before adding the next layer. Even the Second Pass had some Pinholes that needed grinding but not as many. By the Third Pass there was nothing but a perfect bead.

At that point I noticed a Bubble forming on the Torch so decided to clean it off, while the Burner that had been on since early morning, could continue to do its job.

With the Torch in the Off position I was shocked when the Hard Surfacing Powder continued to flow out of the Feeder Tube, even with the Drive not rotating. In the end I had to disconnect the Tube and tie it up, to stop the flow.

Due to the rapid rotation of the Screw, you had to keep a constant vigil, to keep it on track. Every Thirty-Seven Minutes it was being restarted to add another Layer. I had the Two Halves of my Sandwich for lunch over an Hour apart and did not finish my Morning Coffee until I was on my way home after 4:30.

I used a Coupon to pick up supper from Wendy’s.

I just read Comments on how readers are having issues making Comments on our Blog. I recall having the same issues years ago, eventually trying quite a few different Search Engines. They all had their own problems but eventually, I no longer had the problem.

As the author of “It’s about time” I still had a host of problems. Many of the Gadgets I had painstakingly added to out post, would not show up on my Computer. At the time I was using Google Chrome, which was touted to be the best. One day the Microsoft Search Engine asked if I wanted to switch. Figuring if it didn’t pan out, I could always switch back. I now see things on our site as well as many others that I didn’t see before, and Google is still trying to get me back.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Did you hear about the bed bugs who fell in love?

They’re getting married in the spring!


  1. You didn't say what issues people are having with comments so I'm leaving one to find out.

  2. I never noticed any problems posting. I have noticed problems with today's about the bed bugs. CRINGE. What a PUN. Still, I laughed. Actually, it's not a bad pun joke.
