
Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Sometimes You Wonder and Coming Out On Top.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

The Alarm did its job this morning as I had a restless night but still needed to get up on time. Cereal for breakfast and I was soon out the door.

Jason and I had a chance to talk before starting our shift at 6:00. When it came time to be serious we worked together to get the Feedscrews each of us were about to work on where we needed them.

I was lucky enough that it was an easy fix for Pinholes on Two different Ten Inch Screws or so I thought. The Pinholes that are being repaired are in the Hard Surfaced areas of the Feedscrews such as the Bearing and Shank areas. The Hard Surfacing is applied on the Plasma Transfer Arc in the form of Powdered Metal. The heat settings have to be set too low to cause all those Pinholes and when I repair them using the TIG Welder I basically open those holes up before moving the metal around and adding a Filler. Sometimes you chase the Pinhole from one spot to the next until it is totally filled.

Unfortunately even though the Weld looks like the holes no longer exist as soon as the areas are cleaned in the Outer Diameter Grinder the truth is revealed. It seems that the Powdered Hard Surfacing is like a Honeycomb of Pinholes just moving from one location to another. It took Three attempts on the one unit while the other was good after a single try. After each repair those sections looked like a piece of Jewellery or a sparkly Christmas Tree in the distance.

Alec reported experiencing a few problems with the PTA that were not there before he went on vacation. Now that he’s back to work I have time to talk with Kathy while on my lunch break.

With more Feedscrews to rebuild coming in every day I find it frustrating that I am spending so much time chasing Pinholes on these few. When 3:30 came along I was more then ready to punch out.

Using the Hands-Free in the Truck I verified my location and destination with Kathy. The first thing I did was to collect the Mail when I arrived at Guardian Storage before heading back to the Trailer.

This past weekend I attempted to apply a Sealant to the Roof. I managed to mask the roof then using a Paintbrush apply the Sealant around the perimeter as well as going around any and all Brackets or Vents on the Roof. The beauty of using this type of Sealant is it Seals the Roof, it prevents Mold from forming and it reflects the Sun’s UV Rays which keeps the inside of the RV cooler reducing the wear and tear on your Air Conditioner.

Everything trimmed on Saturday.

The problem on Saturday was the Wind kept me working on my knees and the moment I tried using a Paint Roller it speckled the top of the Nose Cap. When I returned on Sunday the Wind was jut as bad.

Kathy heading to the grocery store after we ate supper.

Kathy stopped by with supper from Arby’s. We really enjoy their Greek Gyros. When she left she knew that I would get the First Coat over the entire Roof because the weather was perfect for getting the job done. It wasn’t until 7:00 that I walked into the Apartment.

The Roof totally sealed with a single coat today.

Tomorrow’s forecast is looking good so hopefully I’ll get that Second Coat on then I can clean up on the weekend.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Words of Inspiration

Insane people are always sure that they are fine. It is only the sane people who are willing to admit that they are crazy.

Nora Ephron, Journalist