
Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Serious Problem and Second Coat.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

Getting back on schedule is not a hard thing to do and I was once again awake before the Alarm this morning. It was also nice to see that the Construction Barriers on the Parkway have finally been removed.

Mile was happy to see me asking that I work with Jason to repair the Pinholes on the Ten Inch Diameter Feedscrews that were going out to be Chromed tomorrow. I’m certain that those reading this are getting tired of hearing of that. Imagine if you were the one having to actually do the welding one Pinhole at a time. Since Alec’s return that is all I have been doing other then Two smaller variants. After I repaired the same Three Feedscrews Eight Times each this week (I wrote them down on a note pad) I asked what is the problem here.

That’s when I was told by Mile that this same problem has been happening for years. That was when I suggested there was a Serious Problem with the Metal Hard Facing Powder.

From Yesterday's Blog. It was brighter today.

I managed to talk with Kathy again at lunch and confirmed my after work intentions.

That Pail only weighed 55 Pounds last Saturday.

I was still repairing Pinholes when Khalil said Mile wanted me. There was Alec, Mile, Jovo, Peter, Paul and a representative from the Company who supplies the Metal Powder to us. Mile had called him on my advice to get some answers.

He saw first hand what we were dealing with, answered all our questions after seeing our Plasma Transfer Arc and came up with suggestions. Unfortunately the Feedscrews that were supposed to be brought to Toronto tomorrow will not be making the trip. The Bearing Surfaces that have caused us so much grief will be ground down to the Base Metal then rewelded using another powder as a buffer before being covered with the Hard Facing. We can only hope this will solve our problem. We’ll be trying the different technique on a piece of Scrap first.

Moving things around.

I was only slightly late leaving at the end of the shift. I seemed to be flying along until just before I turned on to the Service Road. A Fender Bender (There was no Fender) tied up traffic in all directions.

The Sealant I used.

I was just arriving at our Storage Unit when I got call from Kathy wondering where I was. She was waiting at the trailer with supper. With the Ladder and Sealant in the Truck it did not take long to join her.

Getting the Paint Equipment set up.

Using our Camping Chairs we were able to enjoy our supper and talk about what we’d done all day. With the Stepladder in place Kathy was able to look at what I had accomplished yesterday and really liked the affect. After kissing her good-bye I got busy to add the Second Coat on the Roof. It made it even brighter but I didn’t have the Camera to prove it.

Kathy was saying good-bye to me.

When I return on the weekend to clean up and reinstall the Vent Covers I will have to replace the Wire Loom Sheathing that I have around the Solar Panel Wires. After only Five and a Half Years the Sun has made them so brittle they were breaking apart each time the Paint Roller touched them. Once that is done I will coat them with the same Sealant which will make them outlast the Trailer.

It was after 7:00 when I finally walked in the Apartment and it felt good to be home.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You Know You're Over The Hill When Your Insurance Company has started sending you their free calendar a month at a time.


  1. After all that work on the trailer, will you be traveling in it soon?

  2. I'm with Suzi. When? None of us are getting younger.
