
Tuesday, March 8, 2022

More Ads and Higher Gas Prices Explained.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

Even though I felt rested I waited until 7:30 before getting up this morning. After opening the Balcony Blinds I barely made it to the kitchen before Kathy came out to join me. Looking outside the Clouds were so thick it appeared more like early evening.

The picture is brighter then it should be.

Once we were settled in at the Computers we both went through our normal routines. Kathy checking Messenger then the Blogs we follow before checking the Local News. I started with The Weather Network then the Local News before checking E-Mails for Job Ads. I’d barely get to start reading the Blogs we follow before lunch. Just like yesterday Kathy did not want to relocate to other parts of Ontario. The Windsor area is where our family is settled and where we will always call home.

Lunch today was Chicken Noodle Soup with Cheese on Crackers as a side then Yogurt Cups for dessert.

This afternoon I received requests for applications again requiring us to relocate if I qualified for the jobs. The Sun finally made its appearance around 4:00 which actually made us start to feel better.

As RVers one of the things we watch the most when travelling is the cost of Fuel. With the Invasion of Ukraine prices skyrocketed. Now with the US banning the import of any Oil from Russia the prices will go even higher. Most people at this time can except this as a way of cutting the funding to Putin’s War Machine. But there is another reason for the high prices and if you read the blog One Day More you will be totally disgusted. Bill will help you understand why we are paying such high prices at the pump.

We had Grilled Salmon Fillets with sliced Potatoes as well as a Southwestern Corn Medley for our supper. We topped it off with Carbonated Juice (Fake Wine) for our beverage and Pineapple for our dessert.

The 6 o’clock Local News reported 2 more Coronavirus Deaths for the Windsor/Essex Region today. They also talked of ways to help Humanitarian Efforts for the people of Ukraine.

The Weather Network showed we reached a high temperature of 36 F (2 C) but we didn’t get the White stuff that had been forecasted.

I didn’t hear back from the Storage Yard or the Credit Union whether they straightened up their mess or not so I’ll find out tomorrow.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You Might Be a Redneck If

You go to Walmart to people watch.

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