
Wednesday, March 9, 2022

I Should Have Known Better.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

Once again I tossed and turned until 4:00 this morning. Luckily when it came time the Alarm woke me at exactly 6:00. I seemed to be dragging as I left the Apartment as I headed outside but that quickly changed. The temperature was Below Freezing with plenty of moisture in the air so after getting the Car started there was plenty of Frost to clean off the windows.

At Planet Fitness I started the same as I always do with a Cardio Exercise but I increased the intensity by a level. There were about Thirty People exercising when I started but I had no problem using the Free Weights. I felt so good that I not only added some exercises that I haven’t done in a while but I increased to a full Set on all my normal routines. When it came time to do my Cool Down Cardio those machines were busy so I returned to the one I use to get started. Watching the News Reports on the banks of monitors hanging from the ceiling you loose track of time so it wasn’t until the machine went to Cool Down mode that I realized I had completed another full routine and I felt good. My hot shower felt wonderful and I was soon headed for home. There was over Fifty People exercising by that time.

Kathy was already at her Computer when I walked in the Apartment. We talked for a bit before I started checking what kind of Job Ads were being offered today. Then there were plenty of Blogs to read that took up the remainder of the morning.

We enjoyed Italian Wedding Soup for lunch along with Grapes and Date Squares for dessert.

After lunch there were more Job Ads that arrived in my E-Mail but one caught my attention. It was one that I applied for the other day. When I read the Job Description to Kathy she became scared enough to say she didn’t want me doing that. It was for a Bridge Building Company that would require me to work at heights of Hundreds of Feet above Water. The fact that I swim like a rock had her nixing that idea.

Looking inside the Fridge we decided we needed to get some groceries so we checked our Pantry as well before heading out the door.

When we got down to Lobby we found Coupons in that Mailbox one of which was for Burger King. Since the experts say to never shop on an empty stomach we headed there first. Since the Coronavirus Restrictions have mostly been lifted we even ate our meal inside.

From there we went to Pioneer gas station to top the Car with gas since we hear that the price will be going up again soon. Just a little up the road the Esso station had already raised their prices on regular grade Gasoline to $1.837/Litre ($7.118/Gallon) and Diesel to $2.239/Litre ($8.676/Gallon). With prices like that I’ll need Two Jobs. One just for Fuel Costs.

We stopped at Dollarama where we scratched a few items from our list before going to Zehr’s grocery store to complete the purchases.

We’ve noticed one of our food storage containers was not doing what it was supposed to so we headed to Canadian Tire to look for another. We walked out empty handed so we swung by the nearby Home Hardware only to find they had closed a Half Hour earlier. We’ll try again tomorrow.

We stopped at the nearby Dollarama mostly just to walk around but then we found a few things that we’ll soon need that the other store didn’t have.

Back at the Apartment it was nearly 9:00 by the time we had everything put away but I was having a problem. If you read the second paragraph you will know what it is. By doing all those extra exercises today I was stiffening up tonight. Getting out for another walk tomorrow will help to limber me up.

The Weather Network showed we reached a high temperature of 45 F (7 C) today with more Seasonal Weather heading our way.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


They’ve just found the gene for shyness. They would have found it earlier but it was hiding behind a couple of other genes.


  1. Geez. All that exercise after only a few hours of sleep. I hope you sleep well any drugs? You know, tylenol or something. ha.

  2. P.S. Oh yeah, I see you do! Some extra strength Tylenol. Go for it.
