
Friday, March 4, 2022

Early Wash, Comment Response and Family Visit.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

Even though I didn’t go to Work or the Gym this morning I was again up at 6:00. Knowing that everything takes time I wanted to be certain that I would have plenty of that to myself today.

Having put the Clothes Hamper in the Living Room last night it didn’t take long to get things sorted and treated. I was in the Second Floor Laundry Room by 6:35 where I found Two Washers down and a woman using another. I started my first load before taking the rest down to the First Floor Laundry Room. To get the rest of the Clothes in the Washers.

I startled Kathy when I walked into the Apartment at 7:05 finding her changing the Bedding. She couldn’t believe that I had already started the washing. We had Cereal for breakfast before I headed back downstairs this time with the Bedding. I would be a back and forth between the Two Laundry Rooms and the Apartment until 10:30 when I finished putting all the folded clothes away.

I finally had the chance to check what was happening in the world. There were no new Job Ads today. Then I checked the Comments to Yesterday’s Blog. In response to lack of Job Interviews a number of things might be contributing factors. One is under the Human Rights Laws employers are not supposed to discriminate against someone because of their age but they do. As for the change in Paul’s attitude towards me it happened right after I applied for another job. He had once told me he would never let me go so when the potential new employer probably called and he got more then upset. He probably thought I was being unfaithful to the job but I was just tired of being treated unfairly.

We shared a personal sized Beef Tourtiere and Tomato Slices for lunch along with the last of the Coconut Macaroons and Apple Sauce Cups for dessert.

It was nice seeing the Sun shining outside but we noticed a lot of people on the Ganatchio Trail bundled up. Checking the News to see what was happening in Ukraine left us thinking how inhumane war is.

The Weather Network showed we had a high temperature of 36 F (2 C). It may not seem like much but anything above the Freezing Mark is a good thing.

We had a Store Bought Medium Thin Crust Vegetarian Pizza for supper. Shortly after we were headed out the door.

We headed to our daughter Karen’s home in Tecumseh to visit. Kylla our granddaughter truly misses Kathy who she spent a lot of time with when she was much younger and now that she is going to school to become a Nurse she looks to her for advice. Tyler is still working but has to upgrade his Driver’s License for the service trucks he is required to drive. Greg is back to work now that the issue of getting the Chips for the Minivans is no longer an issue. Karen is still working from home but will soon be heading back to her Office at the University of Windsor. Both Sanford and Nova missed us and could not get enough back scratches. They had a late supper so when the Pizza arrived we said our good byes.

We stopped at the Zehr’s grocery store to pick up a few things to keep us going.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You Might Be a Redneck If

Someone knocks on your front door and your back door rattles.

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