
Sunday, January 2, 2022

Together Again.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

Thanks to all the concerned Comments from readers on our Blog. Both Ivan and I have committed ourselves to never doing a job like that without a Proper Crew or those kind of Hours. When I went to bed last night I was still in Hyper-Drive to the point I lay awake for Twenty Minutes before falling to sleep.

Unlike most weekends that I try to wake close to my normal wake up time I looked at the Clock a few times but just lay there watching Kathy. When she finally stirred that’s when I got up and it felt good. Even Kathy said she slept more soundly knowing I didn’t have to work today.

After getting some Blog reading in I took the time to soak my feet in the Epson Salts Foot Bath. It is so amazing how good it feels and how it seems to help our spirits along with the body part that is being bathed. Trying to make use of every minute of the day I tried to reach my Aunt but left a message that I would try again this evening. Then I called Ivan and jokingly wished him a Belated Happy New Year. He and his wife were savouring their time home together.

Kathy and I enjoyed Italian Wedding Soup for lunch and a slice of Pecan Pie for dessert.

Since the Truck had gone into Regen mode just as I arrived home last night we took it out for a run this afternoon. After cleaning the Frozen White Stuff off the Truck we were only half way to the Expressway when it again started Regen. I drove across to West-End of Windsor before turning around and heading back towards home. We finally exited the Expressway so that I could top off the Truck with Diesel at the Pioneer gas station. With this cold weather you don’t want to have any room for Moisture to build in your tank. From there we basically headed back home for a reason.

We parked the Truck and got in the Car because it is easier to do our shopping in the very nimble vehicle compared to the lumbering workhorse. The first thing we did was go back to the Pioneer gas station to top off the Car with Gasoline.

Next we went to Dollarama where we started shopping from our List. We added a few more packages of Disposable Masks along with a few more pair of Safety Glasses for me at work.

We then headed to the Zehr’s grocery store where we finished getting everything we needed on our List. We are trying to use some of our Frozen Foods as a way of refreshing what we have in stock and nothing gets wasted.

Finally with Coupons in hand we went to Wendy’s Drive-Thru where we splurged on Meals with Fries. They were very good but we won’t be making a habit of those. We don’t want to find all the weight we’ve been loosing.

After getting all our purchases put away we relaxed long enough to watch the 6 o’clock Local News. They reported New Coronavirus Cases for the Province of Ontario (which they do on the weekends) but not for the Windsor/Essex Region.

The Weather Network shows we’ll be in for Bone Chilling Temperature for the next day before we bounce back slightly.

After doing the Dishes together I was finally able to reach my Aunt Anna. It seems we’ve been playing phone tag and missing one another. She was surprised that I was still working and recalled having a Supervisor like I have. We’ve now scheduled Sunday evenings as our Talk Time so we won’t be so long without knowing what’s happening.

Kathy and I appreciated every minute we spent together today.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You Might Be a Redneck If

You think mud rasslin' should be an Olympic sport.


  1. So nice you enjoyed being together after being kept apart so long.

  2. Whew. You even had a busy day off, but a least a good foot soak happened. I'm one of those agreeing with your commenters yesterday.....
