
Saturday, January 1, 2022

The Nightmare Is Over.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

This was definitely not the way I had planned on spending New Years Eve or Day. It seems the Owner Paul sees plans of grandeur happening while not having a fully trained Maintenance Crew. As mentioned before I am the only Certified Tradesperson in the Plant and I know the importance of keeping the equipment well maintained and ready to run production but I am playing a game of catch up.

Lucky for me Ivan is a quick learner and willing to learn as the job progresses but for a job the size that we were assigned a Full Crew and New Materials would have guaranteed a smooth Change Over. Because of the conditions we were working this job became more of a Nightmare. We were given some help by the Cleaning Crew but only for a bit of time. Ivan and I again put in another long day today so we could have the Line operational for Monday and so we could stay home tomorrow. We are glad the Nightmare is over.

After cleaning the Ice Build-Up off our vehicles we were able to get home by 9:00 this evening.

Kathy was happy to see me and I will be having a talk with Paul on Monday because I won’t be doing a job like that again. It might be time for a career change.

Hoping everyone had a Safe and Happy New Year.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


A New Year’s resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other.


  1. I do not know your age but at my age of 75 I would not hold up physically very long to the long hours you are working. It could be difficult for your body to recover from all the hours of hard work in your short times off. Watch your health very close as you get older. We do not fight off troubles nearly as well as we used to. That is a guaranteed opinion from The Old Fat Man.

  2. I am glad you are planning on talking with Paul. You are working too many hours in dangerous situations at great peril to your safety and health.

  3. I agree with Barney and MsBelinda. You cannot keep putting in those hours under such horrible working conditions. An ultimatum needs to be given to Paul. Take care of yourself.

  4. 9PM ?!?! Where the hell does he get off expecting that?! Unbelievable. Happy New Year, enjoy your day off.

  5. The guy is taking advantage and you are letting him.

  6. Ditto to most of the comments above, take are of yourself Rick.

  7. To use your own expression, it’s about time. The sand is running out in the hourglass.
