
Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Working Dock.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

Our recent above average temperatures were nowhere to be found today so it felt comforting once inside the Plant not to have a cool breeze making one feel chilled. Paul was out walking the floor with a smile on his face and waved a greeting before I had the chance to see him. That’s definitely a big change since before I first started talking with him.

After doing my Morning Walk Around I took another look at the Mechanical Box sitting in the Maintenance Compound. My imagination was running wild with ideas as to what Paul had explained to me last evening only making me more confused. The only way to settle the issue was to see a Box totally together and since it would have to come out anyways the one at the Loading Dock I was repairing would be a perfect example.

Using the Oxy-Acetylene Torch it was an easy removal. I’ve split so many welds through my career that there was little heat on the Box itself as I carried it back to the Compound. Two Bolts later the lid was off and all the explanations that Paul had mention started making sense. The other units in the Compound had so many missing pieces that it was simpler to replace the Cable to this unit and work on the others in the future now that I understood the workings themselves.

Replacing the Cable then rewinding the Spring on a unit that was able to slide around on the Workbench was concerning. The tension had to be just right and since I had nobody to walk me through my first one it was exhilarating when it worked right the first time. A couple of Line-Workers were upset that I would not immediately repair the Carriers they brought but the Loading Dock was more critical.

Looking at the time I decided to have my first break early rather then starting on the Dock itself then having to stop. When I did start reinstalling the Unit I had to run the Cable through a few Pulleys but there was a problem. One of the Pulleys had an undersized Pin that was bent while the other was only held in place fractionally. If I’m going to do a job it’s going to be done right.

The moment of truth soon arrived and when I had Tom pull on the chain to activate it something happened that he hadn’t seen in some time. It Worked! I was just happy that understanding the theory behind the mechanics helped me to figure it out.

Back at the Compound I finally got my lunch at 1:45. Kathy was going to visit our friend Kathie. I finally got around to doing the Carriers then delivering them to the Paint-Line. Paul approached me with a smile on his face saying “Good Job”. Workers who were wondering what was going on soon ignored us when I got Two Pats on the shoulder.

It felt good to be home at a near normal time. I repaired the Kitchen Drawer that broke on the weekend before getting on the phone to get more of our accounts up and running. Those were my fault. When you do things On-Line you have to Log-In at least every Three Weeks or their Computer deems you as “Inactive”.

The Weather Network showed our high temperature today felt like 48 F (9 C) today. Starting tomorrow we can expect cooler and wet weather. It is that time of year.

We weren’t very hungry so we had Italian Wedding Soup along with Caesars Salad for supper and Cranberry Juice as our refreshments.

The 6 o’clock Local News reported 30 New Coronavirus Cases bringing the Active Cases to 190 in the Windsor/Essex Region. They again stressed that our numbers were climbing with the possibility of further restrictions.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


How long have I been working for the company?

Ever since they threatened to fire me.

1 comment:

  1. Two pats on the shoulder vs being ignored. Glad to take the two pats I'm sure.
