
Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Dark To Work, Dark To Home.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

After dealing with so much excitement yesterday it felt good to do my Morning Walk Around and only finding a few things to add to my Repair List. I’ve been picking up Parts, Tools and Trash that have been just tossed aside by a particular Supervisor and returning them to where they belong. Making certain that all my other work continues to be done only a small amount gets sorted on a daily basis. This morning not finding anything like that I started checking what was in some of the dirty, dusty Boxes up on the Mezzanine. Some had more Trash while others barely had anything in them while others were completely empty. To say others are seeing a cleaner workplace is starting to be noticeable.

I had Planned (remember that word) on replacing the Bulk Air Filters until Ryan from Shipping and Receiving showed up and reported that One of the Loading Docks wasn’t working. My limited experience on Loading Docks has been repairing Cracks in the Deck or Structure but this was different. These are mechanical Docks that work using Springs and Cables to raise or lower them. This Dock today was going nowhere. It wouldn’t go up or down. Comparing it to the Other Docks I noticed the Cam Plate was bent. After getting a Forklift positioned to raise the Deck I tried to put the Safety-Bar in place but ended up ripping it out with very little force by hand. The Frame was that corroded. With the Forklift still in position I hit the Cam with a Hammer to straighten it only to have it go flying as well. The Frame was totally rusted out. Continuing to use the Hammer I was breaking up a layer of Rust that appeared to be Sheet Metal. Scooping it up I filled a Heavy Cardboard Box to the point that it would take a Forklift to later move it.

When I spoke to Kathy while on my lunch I told her I would probably be late getting home. That is the only drawback to being the only Trades Person in the Plant.

After scrounging up Materials I managed to rebuild the Frame with the Cam and Safety-Bar mounted solid. Production was done early today so Ivan came around asking if I needed help and I did. The Dock still would not move and we needed to lower it so the Door could be closed for the night. As I was having Ivan raise the Deck another time the Cable to the Mechanical Box suddenly snapped. We were able to lower the Deck by stepping on it but needed to put a Bin on it to hold it down overnight and the Cable can be replaced in the morning.

Explaining to Paul what had happen he suggested I rebuild the other Frames before the severe Winter weather sets in. He also explained how the Mechanical Box worked. He then said he would pay a Service Representative from the Manufacturer to come in and teach me how to service and maintain the Mechanical Box. It was well after 5:00 by the time I loaded my Tools in the Truck. I then called Kathy to say I was on my way.

I didn’t even have my Work-Boots off when Kathy was serving my supper. She made Open Faced Hot Pork Sandwiches along with Cauliflower as a side then added Date Squares for dessert.

The 6 o’clock Local News reported 17 New Coronavirus Cases of which 9 were not Vaccinated bringing the Active Cases to 177 in the Windsor/Essex Region. They again stressed our numbers are climbing with the possibility we could see further restrictions.

The Weather Network showed our high temperature today felt like 55 F (13 C) but there is the possibility of White Stuff coming our way this week.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Words of Inspiration

The earlier you learn that you should focus on what you have and not obsess about what you don’t have, the happier you will be.

Amy Pochler, Actress/Comedian.

1 comment:

  1. I'd say you deserved a good dinner after your last two days....and Kathy deserves an award for serving such a fine one.
