
Friday, January 8, 2021

More Comments and More Explaining.

 Our Location today is at Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to Enlarge.

First I’d like to start by apologizing to my readers about being totally Political in Yesterday’s Post but after being told repeatedly that my well researched information was always incorrect I needed to talk about it. I did appreciate all the Comments especially others seeing what’s going on at this time.

The One thing you might have noticed was that I was not taking sides of Democrat over Republican. I was focused on a particular person who has been attempting to tear down a Democracy that has worked for over Two Hundred and Forty Years.

I watched more historic videos this evening and in one (2015) Trump stated that he would continue telling everyone that something was true until they would believed it. That is what he continues to do today with the Lies that the Election was stolen from him. Those Comments telling me I did not see or hear what I did were doing the same thing. Lies.

In his 2016 Campaign he said he was a Successful Businessman and that he would “Drain the Swamp” if elected. People bought into that Lie only to find out he is owing to Foreign Investors, Cheats on his Taxes and the only Swamp that was in Washington were those taking Graft from Lobbyist. The 2018 By-election helped clean some of that up.

I did point to Another Politician who helped Trump in the Senate. Now it seems there are many more who have been kissing his boot straps to fall in good grace with him. That will never work. All the Psychiatrist say he is a Narcissistic Sociopath who only thinks of himself and can never really like let alone love anyone. The moment you disagree with him you are Scum.

He has been Lying about improving things for the Military while cutting their funding so he can build his Wall. The increase in their benefits were all passed by a narrow margarin during the Obama Presidency but not implemented until recently because of the Republican control of the purse strings. He also considered Military killed in the line of duty “Losers”. Those that enlisted were “Idiots”. He Dodged the Draft by having a doctor say he had Bone Spurs on his Heels. He has no trouble walking on the Golf Course.

Trump constantly brags about creating Jobs. After spending only Eight Years the Obama/Bidden Administration had finally gotten American Companies to build their products in the United States and created millions of decent paying jobs. They turned a country on the brink of Financial Disaster back to one that could be admired by the world. It was Trump that allowed those same Companies to send jobs back to China.

Trump pulled the U.S. out of the World Health Organization where countries band together to stave off World Pandemics.

He wanted to eliminate the Affordable Health Act with the Preexisting Conditions Clause. If that happened many would be left without Healthcare Coverage. He holds huge investments in HMOs which make him a bundle.

He pulled out of the Paris Climate Agreement. Now we are seeing Global Warming and Environmental Disasters. He is allowing Logging and Mining on Federal Lands. His pals are in the Oil Business and Renewable Energy (Solar and Wind) will cut into their profits.

Another of his Lies was the big Tax Break he passed. The only people to benefit from it were Corporations and those in the Upper One Percent. For those continuing to struggle making ends meet things only got tougher.

I’ve noticed that when he says Someone else is doing something that is Illegal it is normally him that is doing that. More Lies.

He campaigned in 2020 telling everyone the Democrats were going to raise their Taxes. According to their platform it would be only the Richest One Percent that would see a Tax Increase and those in the Lower Tax Brackets under $140K would see a reduction in theirs.

When it came to protecting the Country against the Coronavirus he was more concerned about the Stock Market so he lied about it.

From what I have read and seen He, his Family and Lawyer will be facing lots of legal woes in the near future. That is the biggest reason that he is trying to retain the Presidency because it protects him from prosecution.

Trump has alienated all the normal Allie Countries of the U.S. and befriended Dictators.

Trump also likes to consider himself an Almighty Ruler, King or Dictator and he’s grooming his children to be just like him. As long as you are willing to do his bidding he’ll like you but the minute you have an opinion of your own you are Treasonous.

The President holds the Power to Pardon those he feels were unjustly convicted of crimes. Though he has corrected a few Injustices that were deserving have you noticed who he’s been granting Pardons to lately? All his Cronies that did not rat him out during the Mueller Investigation. (Quid Pro Quo)?

Watching our 6 o’clock Local News (a Canadian Channel) this evening they spoke how the F.B.I. have already been making arrests of many participants in Wednesday’s Insurrection of the Capital Building. How are they identifying these people? Most were posting on Social Media bragging about their participation. One was even a State Representative. He wasn’t smiling wearing Handcuffs.

Twitter has permanently Disabled Trumps Accounts because he is using it to spread Dis-Information that would incite crimes against the United States Government by Foreign or Domestic Terrorist Groups.

Like I mentioned last night I just could not keep quiet any longer. I hope I never have to do this again. All I can say at this point is I pray the New Administration will help fix the divide that has taken place in the country over the last Four Years andBuild it Back Better”.

God Bless the United States of America and Canada”.

Thank you for following along and feel free to leave a comment.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You Might Be a Redneck If

You've ever stood outside a K-mart for more than an hour arguing with the manager about the shirt and shoes law.


  1. Well said Rick...I yield the floor.

  2. It's time to thin out the blogs I read. If I want political opinions I'll go to those sites.

  3. Thank you Rick. I'll never understand those who support Trump who has no redeemable qualities, but enough "bought into" his lies that we got what we deserved. Hopefully some day they will understand the job he did (or didn't do) as President.

  4. True that! I've read you for years, but didn't comment. Yesterday I typed up about four, but didn't publish. Today I would like to thank you for speaking up and telling the truth. I'm pretty sure that my readers are tired of me talking about IT, but I want a record of what happened. This was history in the making.

  5. I couldn't have said it any better, Rick. Well done.

  6. Your analysis is on the mark. We Americans look forward to a better four years to come post Trump.

  7. Interesting! It sounds like you & Mr. Trump are cut from the same cloth. Thin skinned, can not accept criticism, your the only person in the room with all the answers and when someone disagrees with you, you resort to trash talk and juvenile rubbish. What happened? Nancy finally get to you? I am sure you are an embarrassment to your fellow Canadian snowbirds.

  8. Well said Charles. Except the comment about being an embarrassment to fellow Canadian snowbirds. That's a "liberal tactic". I would hope we have enough class and manners to not go there.

  9. I don't comment on blogs as a rule but I just want to say "you nailed it"!

  10. Whoa. Well, all the wounds are bleeding. Not sure where they were inflicted. I was very sorry to see you accused of trash talk and juvnile rubbish. Looks to me like you were presenting the information you thought was correct and that you had gleaned from years of observation. I didn't know Trump had said that in 2015 about saying the same thing over and over until people believe it.
    But am not surprised. It's a sales tactic, and Hitler, like Trump, stated it very clearly in Mein Kampf. I am sure Trump hadn't read Mein Kampf. Who knows, maybe he did. But it is an effective tactic. And the word "putsch" could be applied to this week's activity from what I have seen. I don't know how we can get through this. As I've said, I think Nancy is a person I would be happy to live next door to. She would not wish harm to anyone. I suspect Elva is the same. Haven't seen posts from Charles before that I know of, but he's probably a person who would be a good neighbor too. Seems there is a very wide gulf here.Sad.

  11. Well said and researched Rick as well as yesterday's post. You are only stating the facts and some people are just not willing to accept the truth about the liar-in-chief.

    I just do not understand how so many otherwise intelligent people have been sucked into his cult. I suppose far-right media has a lot to do with it as they want a share of his followers and continue to propagate the lies he spews so as not to lose them and the money they generate for their networks.

    Don't ever quit telling the truth and if readers do not like it there are many other blogs of like-minded people like themselves. Thank goodness we are still free to choose what we read.
