
Thursday, January 7, 2021

Lies, Silence and Fake News.

 Our Location today is at Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to Enlarge.

Over that last few weeks while watching our Local News I have made mention of many of their observations in our Blog. Then I have gotten Comments that rebuke what the Media says as “Fake News”. During the Impeachment Trial I was ridiculed for commenting on something I had seen happening live. So I silenced myself.

When the Coronavirus started running wild I watched Live Broadcasts of a Task-Force that sounded like an inflated campaign ad. When I mentioned it on the Blog the Comments were don’t believe what those Media Channels are saying. It was strange how all but One of the News Media were saying the same thing along with News Papers and Magazines. One of the Biggest Lies told was they were all speakingFake News”? The Body Count was all made up. Tell that to those who lost family members. Again I silenced myself.

It’s strange how our pasts always come back to show our true colours. As most know both Kathy and I lost our former spouses to Cancer. I also mentioned before that my Late Wife was born on an Air Force Base in Texas. She had been abused in her previous relationship and it took counselling for her to get over that. She developed a knack to know when someone was a Liar and an Abuser. When I came home from work one day she pointed to the Biggest Liar she had ever seen on Television.

Thirty-Five Years later she must be rolling in her grave. One thing she followed was Politics in Canada and the United States. So I know a little more about Politics then I have let on. Like I said before I have been seeing things happening while looking from the outside in that most American’s seem to have turned a blind eye to.

Long before the 2016 Election I listened to Lies, Lies and More Lies coming out of that person’s mouth. The more he said them the more people started to believe him as a fact he said them so many times that even he believed his own Lies.

Only days after his election in November 2016 (He wasn’t even Inaugurated yet) Kathy and I were twice approached by individuals in Arizona who would ask “What you’all think of our New President” while placing their hands on their holstered sidearms.

Soon after I heard that he was taking credit for things that had been passed during the Obama Presidency for the Military. (There would have been more passed if McConnell had not blocked them in Congress during that administration.)

After all the scandal of a Rigged Election in 2016 this Election has been deemed the “Most Secure in the Nation’s History” the Lies continue. After spreading so many Lies and legitimately losing Re-election he continues to spew his Lies to his Base months later. On Wednesday while addressing his faithful Base with even more Lies about a Stolen Election (that’s the Lie) he incited them to go to the Congressional Building and “Take Back America”. His Son and Attorney also spewed the same Lies including the statement “Take it by force”. Don’t believe me look at the Videos.

When I reported on what I saw on our Local News last night I was told that the violence was caused by ANTIFA not the Trump Base. It was strange that ANTIFA was never heard about until the Violence and Rioting during the “Black Lives Matters” movement. The first person to utter the word ANTIFA publicly was the President. Another Lie.

There were a lot more videos appearing on Social Media today from people bragging about their participation in the Insurrection. After watching more then Two Dozen Videos only a dozen of the participants were visibly Black. The rest appeared to be White Supremacist whom according to the F.B.I. makes up the majority of ANTIFA members.

When I mentioned watching the Video of a woman being shot inside the House of Congress yesterday a Comment said it was an Innocent-Bystander shot outside. My eyes did not deceive me.

A British News Media Crew had Video Taped the earlier Rally and actually followed the Anarchist into the Capital Building even interviewing a number of those people. His eyes did not deceive him.

So far the number of deaths attributed to this is only Five but it could grow. The latest victim being a Guard that had been beaten so badly he did not survive his injuries.

I suggest to those who feel the Media is delivering “Fake News” that you choose any channel then another. You might notice they are saying the same thing. Maybe their News might not be Fake after-all. Don’t feel bad because you are not alone. Many believe the Lies.

Sorry I couldn’t stay silent any longer. Thank you for following along and feel free to leave a comment.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Words of Inspiration

Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.

Isaac Asimov, Writer/Scientist


  1. Well said Rick, his legacy isn't set yet and he does nothing but lie and the bigger problem is the morons who supported him and still do , 74 million votes to a guy who made the swamp bigger than ever

  2. I guess we agree to disagree. I watched C-Span tell the nation that the men in the Capitol building were identified by facial recognition software as Antifa thugs. Then Representative Matt Gaetz said the same in his speech at the House when discussion continued later in the day. Apparently neither are telling the truth??

    1. Ahhhh c'mon Nancy give up your conspiracy theories. Even some of your repukkkikan friends are abandoning your beloved orange idiot.Maybe you should have been a reporter for Q anon so we could get the real story.

    2. Most likely C-Span was reporting on the conspiracy theories being circulated, rather than "tell[ing] the nation that the men in the Capitol building were identified by facial recognition software as Antifa thugs." The same goes for Matt Gaetz. Simply a repetition of a diversionary conspiracy theory, now being debunked as just that. Nancy chooses to selectively watch the reporting and disregard the video of Trump, Giuliani, Donnie Jr., et al inciting the insurrection and invasion of the Capitol. The fact remains that most, if not all of the insurrectionists were Trumpies. They made that choice to be part of the invading mob, no matter who lead it, disregarding the admonition of their mothers who told them in their youth that, "if someone jumps off a cliff you don't need to follow."

    3. Oh, Nsncy, we've tangled before about COVID early last year. I've read your blog and there are so many things I like about you, but you do seem to just have tunnel vision. I know you think I probably do too. Fox News isn't saying the things you're talking about, nor NBC, ABC, CNN. I don't know where you're getting your information.

    4. Nancy we agree with you totally with what you are saying! How is it that we have protests that destroy cities and now it becomes Riots while ANTIFA goes in! !? America is so screwed! So freaking done!! People don't see it like it is..

  3. This is my first comment on your blog. I agree you. Many of my relatives and friends have a drink of the koolaid from Trump. I have an Aunt and Uncle that I once had great respect for. We no longer speak. This president has divided our country, family , and friends. It is amazing how many people do believe the lies told by this man. I hope our country can move past the dark moment in our history.

  4. This is my first comment on your blog as well. Even after 4 years, it is shocking the number of people who believe a habitual liar, grifter and con man who somehow got elected president. It will take years to undo even part of the damage he has done. I am not sure there is any hope for his basket of deplorables. The world is interconnected and we are all in this together. I always read your comments with great interest.

  5. Thanks for speaking up Rick! There may still folks that think the earth is flat, or the moon landing was faked.

  6. My main concern now is that we as a people come together. We can't change the past no matter which political party we support. But that coming together has to start at the top. I am disheartened to see our "leaders" not leading us in that direction. On either side. The anger, the bitterness. The grab for more POWER. If this continues, we are doomed.

  7. Nancy, take your blinders off. Trump named them Antifa, they're still terrorists and his followers! So many are used to listening to his lies and repeating them that they will never be convinced but at least Biden is working toward taking care of the people first and not himself, as Trump has only thought of himself from the beginning! And I have no party affiliation. I think for myself.

  8. Rick, never stop telling the truth just because it offends the ignorant. That just makes them stronger in their ignorance. As a three times wounded veteran, I am ashamed of the country I fought for, I killed for, and I bled for. I have lost two family members and eight friends scattered all across the country to the pandemic they still call a hoax. I have unfriended people I love, people who were once close friends, because I cannot stomach their hatred, their racism, their ignorance, and their blind devotion to the orange god. Trump will be gone one of these days, but his legacy, the rift he created not just in America but worldwide, may never be repaired.

  9. This is my first time commenting on our blog, although I’ve been reading it for a long time. I’m so appreciative of people who are speaking out about the would-be tyrant, regardless of the push-back they are likely to receive. I’m wondering, though, why it seems to have taken so many people so long to recognize Trump as the threat he is. He has damaged our environment with his roll-back of laws designed to protect it. He has set an example for those who lack any common sense or sense of decency that it is okay to be a bully and a liar. It’s will take many years to right the wrongs he has subjected us to here in the U.S. Our plans need to be drawn up NOW to prevent him or his followers from ever taking office again.

  10. I responded to Nancy under her comment. As I said, I've read her blog, and there are many things I like about her. But the bigger problem is there are 40% in the US who probably agree with her. At least in her anger and resentment and mistrust. I don't know what can be done about that. It makes me afraid. I'm 75 years old. Today I watched a video of the young Air Force vet who was shot and killed going through a window of the capitol. She had made the video herself. She was cheerful and enthusiastic about the storm coming and being a patriot. She was beautiful. Evidently, a Qanon follower. The coming storm is when all will be made better. I wish she could have found that cheer and sense of belonging somewhere other than QAnon. Sorry for the long post.

  11. Goodness Rick. Who are these people agreeing you? I would be embarrassed if these mean spirited people agreed with me. All Nancy said was what she heard reported. That's it. She's never called you ignorant, misguided, a kool aid drinker, a cult follower. I'm very disappointed in my fellow Americans.

  12. Thank goodness you are a kanadian

  13. Gosh, look at that UNITY your party is professing to extend. Mean and rude comments extended to anyone who disagrees with you only shows what kind of individual you really are.
