
Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Inauguration, Sad News and Celebrations.

 Our Location today is at Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to Enlarge.

Last night I got to bed before midnight and even though I woke when I rolled over a couple of times I managed to sleep in. Kathy went to bed Fifteen Minutes before me didn’t fall asleep until after 4:30 then woke less then Two Minutes after me. Guess who was tired this morning.

What we woke up to.

We started the morning on the Computers but turned on the US News Media to watch the Inauguration of President Joe Biden and Vice- President Kamala Harris. Kathy had never seen this before and was happy to watch History being made. The differences that I saw from the past celebrations of this day were the Social Distancing and wearing of Masks due to the Coronavirus along with the limited number of people present as a security measure following the Insurrection on the Capital only Two Weeks ago. Since the outgoing President chose to break from the tradition of a Peaceful Transfer of Power the outgoing Vice-President stood in place to accept the transition.

The message that the President gave was that he would work for all Americans not just those who voted for him. He would work to heal the division that has occurred amongst everyone pushing for Love not Hate. He would help in the battle with the Coronavirus by getting the Vaccine out to everyone. He would lead from Facts not Fantasies and he will tell the truth not covering things up. He also said the Virus would get worse before the Vaccine could start bringing the numbers down.

While the signing of papers for both the new Administrators we had Chicken Noodle Soup for our lunch with Shortbread Cookies and a Chocolate Pudding Cup for dessert lunch.

More Flurries.

We barely sat down to continue watching the goings on when our friend Vera called. Due to the Coronavirus Lock-Down lots of things have changed here in Ontario including the treatment of Cancer Patients. Her daughter-in-law had been going through Chemo-Therapy when she and Vera’s son both contracted the Coronavirus. After Two Weeks Vera’s son was sent home but the daughter-in-law died this past Monday.

I’ve heard arguments that some would say she died of Cancer. With Chemo-Therapy a person’s Immune System is weakened and that makes you more susceptible to the Virus. She was recovering from the Cancer but just could not fight both illnesses at once.

We continued watching the Inauguration. We saw the ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier then the Virtual Parade where there were limited people on the sidelines.

Joe Biden said while campaigning if elected they would hit the ground running and would be getting things done on the first day in office. As soon as Joe returned to the White House he had a number of Executive Orders to sign. Back at the Capital Building Kamala was busy in the Senate swearing-in Two Newly Elected Senators from the state of Georgia along her replacement from the state of California.

We had Pulled Pork from Lou’s Kitchen on Hamburger Buns for supper along with Cookies and a Chocolate Pudding Cup for dessert.

We watched our 6 o’clock Local News where the first thing they talked about was the Inauguration and that President Biden would be speaking with the Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau this coming Friday. They then spoke about today’s 116 New Coronavirus Cases and 6 Deaths that has now brought the Total Deaths to 277 just in the Windsor/Essex area. Our weather will be nice tomorrow before it becomes more Seasonal.

Finally see the Sunshine.

After doing the Dishes we went back to watching the Inauguration Entertainment for the evening. It did not matter who the entertainer or public figure was they all had the same message Unity and Love. The Fireworks at the Capital were wonderful. “God Bless America.”

Thank you for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Everyone is entitled to their opinion unless it personally attacks someone for their comment or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You Might Be a Redneck If

Your son has ever stolen dissected frogs from Biology class so that your family won't go hungry.


  1. Sorry for your friends loss,let us not forget to do all we can by wearing masks and social distancing until we are rid of this virus.
    I am heartned by our democracy surviving the Jan. 6th insurrection and am hopefull that our new president will be successful in uniting us.I can't help but wonder what kind of country we would have had if bison head,boogaloo,and proud boys prevailed.

  2. Always sad to hear of another life lost to the CoronaVirus. It has impacted all our lives in so many ways.
    Continue to stay healthy and safe

  3. Best thing I saw in the evening celebrations, which I actually did not watch, but found a clip of this morning, was the three ex-Pesidents talking with each other on the DC Mall. I'd forgotten what it felt like to see a President who seemed a full fledged decent human being not out to fight with someone, anyone. All three of them seemed like reasonable caring people with the country's interests at heart. Oh dear. You might want to strike this post. I won't be offended. I am sure it will not be well received by those who are admirers of our recent President.
    Best just to consider this a personal email to you. And by the way, I watched the inaguration on C-SPAN, which does not have announcers nattering away in the background!!

  4. I have read a lady named Vera from Canada in some of the blogs I follow, do not know if it is the same person you are referring to, either way, my condolences to her, her family, and friends. This virus has taken so many lives.

    Yesterday I took a day off and watched television all day. First and foremost I watched the sore loser leave and then I relished in the thought of what a competent administration would be able to accomplish not just for red or blue states but for ALL Americans.

    Like you said it was history in the making and I was glad I was watching it sitting on my recliner.

  5. Sorry to read about your friends daughter.
    I pray God Saves Our Freedoms.
