
Thursday, January 21, 2021

Call Us Weak, Carrot Cake, Tight Squeeze and Reschedule.

 Our Location today is at Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to Enlarge.

Call us weak but we didn’t want another restless night so we both took a Tylenol Night-Time Tablets before going to bed last night. I only woke to turn over twice while Kathy said she slept like a rock.

Looking outside there were still remnants of yesterday’s flurries so I knew that I’d have to clean our vehicles off today. There was however one thing really different today and that was that the Sun was shining brightly warming the Balcony Door Glass. When I checked The Weather Network it showed our temperature in the low Twenties but was supposed to rise to the upper Thirties.

After we settled in at the Computers it was business as usual checking the News, E-Mails, Applying for jobs and reading Blogs. After getting caught up like that I always check the Design of the Blog because I can see if anyone commented on any of the older posts. Strangely before posting last night’s Post there had been no Comments on the Tuesday Blog but when I looked this morning there had in fact been Three. That is similar to many who say their blogs don’t show on their Sidebar as having been updated. It has to be the fault of Blogger but since they reworked their platform there is no Follow-up Link to report those problems.

For lunch today Kathy modified a Garden Salad by adding Chopped Celery, Peppers and Shredded Mozzarella Cheese. She also included a single Chocolate Pudding Cup for our dessert.

When we moved out Hot Beverages back to the Computers Kathy went back to the Kitchen. She wanted to use up rather then waste a Carrot Cake Mix that we had in the Trailer. She also took stock of supplies that we really needed. Rather then letting me help her she sent me off to the grocery store.

Due to the continuing Lock-Down it has become the norm to wear Masks everywhere we go including leaving our Apartment to simply take out the trash.

When I walked outside there were only a few puddles in the parking lot and everything was the colour that it should have been. Clouds were starting to fill the sky and the Wind Gusts were nearing Thirty MPH. It was also after 4:00 and the Sun was much lower in the sky.

When I arrived at the Zehr’s grocery store the parking lot was only half full so I parked in the Middle of Three Empty Spots. With the small list needing to be filled I was back at the Car in Twenty Minutes only to find cars on both sides straddling my parking space. I had to put the Groceries in the rear Hatch then squeeze myself into the Car.

Back at the Apartment Kathy had finished baking the Cake and was ready to have supper. We finished the Leftover Pulled Pork from Lou’s Kitchen on a Hamburger Bun along with a piece of the freshly baked Carrot Cake for dessert.

On the 6 o’clock Local News they spoke of more Coronavirus Cases and Deaths in our area. Our Premier is freaking out because of the lack of Vaccine availability. Prime Minister will be speaking with President Biden tomorrow. Out temperatures will be dropping below the Freezing Mark tonight and not recover until March. It will also bring along Flurries that could have me digging out the Truck and Car.

Mary from Healthy Heals called to reschedule Kathy’s appointment due to the Lock-Down. Good thing I was able to help her out.

Thank you for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Everyone is entitled to their opinion unless it personally attacks someone for their comment or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Can a kangaroo jump higher then a house?

Of course! A house can’t jump.


  1. I'm surprised your prime minister hasn't been making arrangements to get the vaccine for his country instead of relying on America to bail him out.

  2. I hate when people park like that! Carrot cake looks yummy!

  3. Thanks for that I just found a comment I didn't get notified about in my last post.

  4. Carrot cake is my favorite, any left overs?
    In the Blogger -> Settings -> Comments I have my Moderation set to Sometimes for Posts older than 14 days; and under EMAIL set the comments to be emailed to you. An email will notify you of all comments and if someone comments on an old post, you can decide if it's SPAM or not.

  5. My regards to the chef today's meals look delicious!

  6. The carrot cake looks yummy, I still have 3 cupcakes to eat in the fridge. :)
    I've tried but just can't get into salads for our meals in the winter. Not here anyway. Weird because it always looks good.

  7. Hope you don't have to do much digging to get rid of the snow. It does look beautiful from your view....but that's at a distance.

  8. Carrot cake does look delicious. It will be interesting to see what comes of the conversation between your Prime Minister and Our President.
