
Sunday, July 26, 2020

Frozen Chinese Food Brands, Celery Root and Our View.

Our Location today is at Windsor, Ontario.
Click on the pictures to Enlarge

I was happy to be waking up minutes after 8:00 this morning and still feel refreshed. I had barely gotten things ready when Kathy joined me. Even though we were comfortable inside our Apartment by simply putting our Hand by the Balcony Door we could feel the heat building. 
After having a Muffin for breakfast we did our usual routine of taking our Coffee/Tea over to the Computers. Wanting to clear up what the brand names were on the Frozen Chinese Food we had yesterday I raided the Recycle Bin so there would be no Mistake.

The brand we have gotten a few times is Wong Wing fried rice. We have also gotten their Sweet and Sour Chicken before which is equally tasty but Kathy wanted to try something else so she chose the Asian Inspirations brand Tempura Style Chicken. For just a Dollar more the amount of product was doubled and was just as tasty.
After the morning chores we wanted something different for lunch so we had Eggs Over Easy on Toast along with a piece of Chocolate Cake, a Yogurt Cup and an Apple that we shared.

Last week we were able to find some smaller sized Celery Root at the grocery store so we brought a couple home. I took the time to peal and slice them so we could enjoy them for supper. While they boiled to soften up Kathy went back to reading the book she started the other day while I finally started exercising again. By the time I finished there were no Aches or Pains left bothering me.

Once the Celery Root were soft Kathy simply let them sit before draining them. She has always breaded them in the past but this time I made a suggestion. Don’t bread them and just lightly salt them. They tasted totally different but still just as satisfying without the Carbs from the breading.
Our Canadian Government restricting travel.
I read all the Blogs on our Sidebar after they are posted. Most of us are far from happy with what is going on with the Coronavirus but when people believe it is all a Hoax and put down those of us that are just trying to protect ourselves I take offence to that. They consider us to be lambs being led to slaughter and we are going to die anyways. I can only say that may be true but wearing a Mask not only protects others but ourselves as well. Our area has mandated Masks in public. Those Bloggers say they won’t abide by those rules and it is just a Political Ploy. This Virus is not a Hoax and knows no Political or International Boundaries so don’t put anyone down for trying to stop the spread of this invisible enemy because the life we might save may be yours.

11 o’clock Local News is coming on. Thank you for following along and feel free to leave a comment.
Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

Words of Inspiration

Any Transition is easier if you believe in yourself and your talent.

Priyanka Chopra, Actress and Singer.


  1. Oh heck. I do agree with you on Covid risks. We wear masks nearly all of the time. Not for us. For everyone else. And they don't get it. Disappointing, is the best I can come up with.

  2. I do not believe I have ever seen celery root for sale in the U.S.

    This pandemic is by no means a "hoax" and I can not believe that there are people that actually believe that worse yet that they refuse to wear masks.

    I live in Texas a state that was opened up much too soon and we are all suffering the consequences. I lived in Houston for 30 years and everyone I know that still lives there knows people that have gotten Covid-19, died from it or both.

    One of my dearest friend's husband has lost two sisters and a brother within the past month and he is still waiting on his own results that have taken more than a week and he is still waiting.

    I certainly would not be reading a blog whose author ridiculed me for abiding by the rules when like you mention the life you could be saving is their own.

  3. Hi Rick, thanks for the brand names it will be interesting if any stores in the US carry them. Again well said about masks some people never see the positives. Have a good day.

  4. I know that you and I disagree about this whole pandemic thing, but I would never ridicule you or anyone else for your beliefs just as you've never done to me. That's where we agree to disagree in my opinion. Everyone has to live their life as they see fit. I for one appreciate your friendship :)
