
Saturday, July 25, 2020

Changing Pattern, Big Savings, Empty Stores and Another Tasty Brand.

Our Location today is at Windsor, Ontario.
Click on the pictures to Enlarge

We were both wondering what is happening with us sleeping in so much lately. We think it could be our bodies telling us that since a great part of the world is still on hold we should relax. For a while the later we got to bed the earlier we woke up but now it’s anyone’s guess. As long as we don’t have to set the Alarm for any early appointments we’ll just take it as it comes.
As you can guess by that first paragraph we weren’t up at the crack of dawn this morning but we did get a chance to spend part of it talking and reading at the Computers.
Once our morning chores were finished it was time to figure out what we’d be having for lunch and since I was already getting things ready for Grilled Cheese and Bacon Sandwiches, Kathy started making our dessert plates. Today we had Cherries, Maple Cookies and Yogurt Cups topped off with Hot Apple Cider drinks.

We had some errands to run and didn’t want to wait too late because the Humidex was forecasted to reach the Century Mark by mid afternoon. Before walking out the door I turned the Air Conditioner back on for the first time in Thirty-Six Hours.
After receiving an On-Line notification from the Showcase company our first stop was at the Tecumseh Mall. Walking into a Mall the first time in Five Months was an entirely different experience. There was hardly anyone there and those we did saw all Social Distanced as well as wore Masks.

The ad from Showcase we were responding to was for disposable Masks. I can survive with the reusable Masks we have but they are too thick for Kathy to properly breathe. They were selling a Box Of Fifty Masks which normally sells for Fifty Dollars for only Twenty Dollars. That works out to a Sixty Percent Savings.
Hardly anyone in the Mall.
Since there was hardly anyone around we walked through the Mall as exercise. There were quite a few businesses that were totally emptied out including Kathy’s favourite bookstore Cole’s all because of the Coronavirus Shutdown. Many were probably struggling before but the Shutdown pushed them over the edge. Even a couple of the Food Outlets in the closed off Food Court had closed shop. We visited the Dollarama outlet in the Mall which meant we wouldn’t have tostand outside waiting to get into another outlet.

Our next stop was Guardian Storage to pick up our Mail.
The temperature was starting to build so I dropped Kathy off at the door of Zehr’s grocery store before parking the Car. Bringing in our Insulated Shopping Bags I was surprised to see Kathy pushing one of the small sized Shopping Carts. Since there were only a few things on our Shopping List she thought it would be fine. I had to get a larger Cart so we could finish our shopping.

It was close to 3:00 when we arrived back in our Apartment and it felt good to walk into a cooler atmosphere. It didn’t take long to get things put away so we relaxed at the Computers for a short while.
Chinese Food from the freezer section along
with our Favourite Carbonated Juice.
For supper Kathy made some Chinese Food from the freezer section of the grocery store that we picked up today. The last time I wrote about this someone asked what company name it was under. Today Kathy mixed Sweet and Sour Chicken from a company that we had never tried before with the Rice from a company we are familiar with. The taste was just as good as we remember and the new Sweet And Sour Pork came in a larger package for only a bit more then the other had. I even forgot to look today but will check our Recycle Bin tomorrow for the names.

We watched a couple of Movies until the 11 o’clock Local News from London came on. It seems since the Shutdown our 6 o’clock Local News gets preempted by Golf Tournaments on Weekends and Holiday.

I have to shut the AC off before going to bed because we are starting to freeze in here. Not sure what we’ll be doing tomorrow but we’ll let you know. Thank you for following along and feel free to leave a comment.
Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

You Might Be a Redneck If

You think the World Cup is Dolly Parton's bra size.


  1. You got a pretty good deal on those masks and a chance to walk around the mall in nice cold A/C.

    I had to smile when I read that Kathy got the small basket and you had to go get the larger one usually it is the other way around :-)

    Got a good chuckle with Krackers this evening.

  2. Lucky you found masks. I haven't found any at all. It's sad that so many businesses are going under. I wish they would just let everyone stay open and require masks. At least some would be able to remain open and make a living.

  3. Wow that is an empty mall! Ours aren't open at all and in my opinion they weren't doing well to begin with can only imagine once they reopen. Our open air malls are open but we haven't been. Your lunch sandwich looks and sounds yummy!

  4. I find the disposable masks easier to tolerate on the really hot days too. I found another pattern for a less claustrophobic mask that I'm going to try
