
Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Just An Idea, Chores, Exercise, Cuts and White Stuff.

Our Location today is at Windsor, Ontario.
Click on the pictures to Enlarge

By the time I read more Blogs then I should have last night it was past 12:30 by the time I got to bed. Being as tired as I felt it was strange that I kept waking on and off throughout the night. The reason I am bring that up is it seems every time I upset my sleeping habits it causes me to have restless nights where I end up sleeping later into the morning to make up for it.
I was up by 8:30 and knew that it wasn’t going to be a Sunny day after seeing the Cloud filled sky before I looked at the Radar on The Weather Network. Kathy joined me for Lite breakfast just after 9:00. We reviewed what was on our agenda before settling in on the Computers for a couple of Hours.
We had Chicken Noodle Soup for lunch along with a couple of Tea Biscuits, a Clementine Orange and a Yogurt Cup for our dessert. We even managed to clean up all the Dishes before 12:00 Noon.

Kathy wanted to work on some Organizing while I wanted to Exercise. Since we had an appointment for later this afternoon we knew that our time was limited. I was at Planet Fitness working out before 12:30 and had the energy I needed today to complete my full routine.

Once I was showered up I was back at the Apartment just after 3:00 where Kathy had just watched the closing of the Impeachment Trial. It was definitely a learning experience for the both of us.

We were out the door by 4:00 heading to Fantastic Sam’s for our Haircuts. We mentioned a while back that Jenna our normal Hairstylist that has fixed our Haircuts every year when we return from the US is Pregnant. When we arrived Julia informed us that Jenna’s Doctor wants her off her feet so she won’t be in for some time. Jenna had already recommended Julia as her replacement to us so in no time at all we were feeling much more civil.

We stopped at Burger King for their Whopper Wednesday Meals but rather then having French Fries we have Onion Rings.

Back at the Apartment we were just on time for the 6 o’clock Local News where I was reminded that we could expect SXXW and Freezing Rain tonight. As soon as the News was over I headed back outside to lift the Wiper Blades on both vehicles so they won’t stick to the Windshields. There was already light Drifting occurring and by the time I got back inside my Coat was White.

We watched another episode of Nancy Drew. I’ve said this before it is not the Nancy Drew we grew up watching.

The weather will control what we do tomorrow. Thank you for following along and feel free to leave a comment.
Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely, or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quiet, alone with the heavens, nature, and God, because only then does one feel that all is as it should be and that God wishes to see people happy, amidst the simple beauty of nature.

Anne Frank


  1. Sounds like you two are getting into a routine for the winter. Hope the weather doesn't turn really bad.

  2. Oooooh snow!! It sure is pretty, but causes so much more work.

  3. Glad you found someone to give you a good haircut. Seems its hard to find these days.

  4. Nice you were able to get your workout in and Kathy got some things done before heading out. Hopefully not too much snow overnight!

  5. Hopefully the snowy weather ends soon and spring comes early. I'm sure everyone up there in the snowy places are looking forward to spring and warmer temps.
