
Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Appointments Lead To Appointments and The State Of The Union.

Our Location today is at Windsor, Ontario.
Click on the pictures to Enlarge

I was surprised when I got up before 7:30 that it was still fairly dark inside the Apartment. Once the Balcony Blinds were open I understood totally. The Clouds were so thick that there was no glow of where the Sun was. Kathy joined me just after 8:30.
Detroit Michigan on the other side of the river.
We had the chance to have a Lite breakfast then to get some Computer time while drinking our Hot Drinks before heading out the Door.
With an Appointment with our Family Doctor for this afternoon we used the scenic route of Riverside Drive to travel from the East side of Windsor all the way to the West side. We didn’t think we’d arrive as early as we did so we went next door to Wendy’s for lunch.
Having taken our time to eat we went to our Family Doctor’s Office surprised to see the waiting room empty at 12:30. We were immediately brought in to an Examination Room for Kathy to have her Second Shingles Vaccine. When George heard about the reaction that Kathy had to the First Vaccine he deemed it unsafe for her to have this shot that there was something in it that she was allergic to. Normally reactions are worse for the Second Injection.
He reviewed other issues with Kathy to see if they were getting better or worse which resulted in a script for Blood Test and an MRI. After he checked both our vitals I explained the problem we were having with the Prescription Medication Shortages and why. Using the vials that I had brought along he wrote new Prescriptions to the exact amount that I requested so that all her Medications will be renewed at the same time for the same amount of days.
We were leaving his Office at the time Kathy’s appointment had been scheduled for so we drove over to Dynacare on Dougall Avenue for Kathy’s Blood Test. It surprised us that we were out of there within a Half Hour.
Since our day was already disrupted we went over to the Windsor West Walmart where Kathy searched for some Organizing Containers she wants for our storage room. We walked throughout this recently redone store but could not find anything that would work.
We went to a nearby Dollarama where I found a few things to help my organizing but Kathy again struck out.
We used the E.C. Rowe Expressway and were back on the East end in less then Ten Minutes. We had planned on checking our Mail but a Train made us change our minds. We went to another Dollarama where Kathy was finally able to find what she was looking for at prices far lower then Walmart.
It was past 4:30 by this time so we used a Coupon and had supper at Taco Bell. As soon as we sat down to eat a line of customers filled the place up. We took our time eating and People Watching. By the time we finished our meal we could easily get out the door.
Back at the Apartment we put our purchases away before watching our 6 o’clock Local News. We then spent some time on our Computers until just before 9:00 when we watched The State Of The Union. With our watching the Trial this last week it was well advertised so we made plans to watch it. A real learning experience for the both of us.
We never saw the Sun the entire day. We’ve got another busy day tomorrow. Thank you for following along and feel free to leave a comment.
Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

You Might Be a Redneck If

Your entire family is flipping off the camera in roller-coaster photos.


  1. I wish we in the USA had the kind of health care that you and your fellow Canadians are so fortune to have. Glad Kathy was able to see her physician, get her labs, new prescriptions and schedule an MRI all in one afternoon.

    A friend of mine told me that the Shingles vaccine was very painful so I have been avoiding it even though they offered it at a health fair for free.

    The State of the Union address...more like the State of Division in our nation :-(

    1. Nancy Pelosi summed it up best ! November can't get here fast enough.

  2. Here's hoping Kathy's blood tests come out good! Alot of running around again but you're getting things done!

  3. Glad the appointments were quick and hope Kathy's blood work comes out okay. I never got the shingles shot. I guess I'll play Russian roulette. Sorry to see our two parties so divided. They both represent the people and I know we're not that divided in what we need and want. Too political for my taste and certainly not good representation of the people.

  4. You'll be experts om American politics!
