
Friday, November 27, 2015

Special Visit, Black Friday Sales And More Progress To Fulltiming.

Our Location today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

This is two nights in a row that both Kathy and I managed to sleep like a couple of rocks. Of course one of us had our morning computer reading nearly completed by the time the other awoke. Looking outside didn’t add any extra spring to our steps this morning because the weather guessers were right when they forecasted that we’d be having rain for the entire day in our area. At times it came down as a gentle drizzle then at other times it rained with enough intensity that you couldn’t see the cars in the parking lot.

We were expecting a phone call this morning closer to noon but were pleasantly surprised when the call came much earlier. Even with the rain outside we didn’t hesitate to dress for the occasion and head out the door. We were on our way to have a visit with our dear friend Vera. When we arrived we had the chance to visit for nearly an hour before she had to go back to see Bill who was having his morning Physiotherapy. If you recall Bill had fallen earlier this year and banged his head on a curb which caused bleeding on the brain. After having surgery to correct the problem it was like Bill had suffered a mini-stroke. He has continued an uphill battle making a long slow recovery to get his life back. When we were about to say our good-byes she surprised us with a gift of Homemade Hungarian Houlka.

Since it was well past noon at this point we used a coupon to have lunch at Wendy’s at a reduced price. While having our meal it seemed the rain intensified so we sat longer than we needed and watched some very wet people come and go.

Since there wasn’t much we could do at the apartment we drove over to the Tecumseh Mall with the intention of mall walking for exercise. We haven’t been to this mall in some time and shortly after we passed by Santa’s workshop we stumbled upon a store that Kathy had forgotten about. What made this store so special is that it carried Kathy’s favorite brand of clothes “Alia”. Kathy has been searching for quite some time lately for longer winter pants for herself. Today she managed to find two pair of pants and a couple of nice tops that will help her make it through the winter. The best part was when she went to cash out. The Canadian retailers in an attempt to keep shoppers from crossing the border to shop had their own version of “Black Friday Sales” going on today and we hadn’t even thought of that. Kathy saved over fifty dollars on her purchases today taking the pain of shopping away. We walked around a bit longer stopping at the Dollar Store for a few more things before heading for home. The rain seemed to slow each time we were walking between the buildings and the truck so we weren’t too damp by the time we got in the apartment.

Kathy had me adjust the racks she purchased for the fridge/freezer so she could organize it better. Once she can empty our larger standup freezer we’ll be selling it before we go Fulltime next spring. In order to help clean the freezer out faster we baked a frozen pizza for supper tonight, the rain seemed to intensify once again so another planned trip out will have to wait until tomorrow. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Q: Where did the king put his armies?

A: In his sleevies.


  1. The Black Friday sales here in Benson happened on Thursday at 6 pm. Friday morning here at Walmart about 8 am store quiet, all cleaned up no sales, just another day, strange.

  2. Love that Hungarian Houlka. I grew up on all that Hungarian food. Nancy learned much of that cooking from Mom and I can still enjoy it today.
