
Saturday, November 28, 2015

Getting Things Together.

Our Location today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

We are really starting to enjoy this sleeping at night and waking up feeling refreshed. I even slept in until 7:30 this morning and had finished my morning reading by the time Kathy got up at 8:15. Looking out across the field behind the apartment building there was no sign of sunlight anywhere. However there was no wind, no rain and definitely no s@#w.

After finishing breakfast while Kathy was catching up on her morning reading I caught up on a few chores that had slipped to the way side. When Kathy was finished she headed to the kitchen to start getting things ready for supper this evening. She got a nice beef roast with potatoes, carrots and onions all set in the crock pot before she started making a German Chocolate Pie as a dessert. I repaired a portable LED light that the batteries had suddenly gone sour as well as attempting to repair my electrical meter. Unfortunately I didn’t have a small enough fuse on hand so that was put in to a finish pile. At this point I started working on making a multiyear calendar with all our special dates printed on it for Kathy.

Since our building was sold the Skyline Corporation has made some minor improvements but they also needed to take stock. When the Boardwalk Corporation left the building they took all the records of who the tenants were and even what appliances that were in the building so we were given notice that they would be checking these things out this afternoon. I was working on the computer after lunch when Dan the building manager knocked on our door. Not only was he there to get serial numbers on appliances but checking that all our safety equipment worked and to find out if there were any repairs that needed to be made to the apartment.

It didn’t take long after Dan had left that we were out the door to run some needed errands. The first place we went was to Home Hardware in search of a fuse for my electrical meter. They didn’t have anything that light-duty so they recommended going to the Source (Radio Shack). At the Source they could only find a half amp fuse but that would have to do. We then drove to the Bulk Barn where we picked up supplies for a cake that we’ll be making for Christmas celebration with our family. Our last stop was at the Zehrs grocery store to pick up food supplies we were running low on.

Back at the apartment after everything was put away I got my electrical meter working. When Kathy went to check on supper she found it was far from done. There was only one solution to that problem. We ordered a single meal from the Chinese Restaurant next door that left us both well satisfied. Guess what we’ll be having for supper tomorrow and a few days afterwards. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Office Jokes, Quotes, and Anecdotes


Sometimes the best solution to morale problems is just to fire all of the unhappy people.


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